Chapter 16

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"Tommy. I though we had something special, then I find out your going out with that slut. How could you?!" Niall said, still in fits of laughter. Tommy went even redder. Is that a word? Redder? What ever.

"Don't worry Tommy. I won't let that slut get you." I said jumped onto Tommy and hugging him. "Your my fudge head" I said planting slobbery kiss in his cheek.

"Eww!" Tommy said wiping his cheek. And after he did I kissed him again. Then that slut walked back in. While I was kissing Tommy on the cheek, it was a proper slobbery one too. And Niall was laughing like a crazy person.

"I though you guys weren't dating?!" She said

"Oh we're not" I said

"Then why are you kissing him?"

"Well for your information. I think it's perfectly fine for a girl to kiss her best friend on the cheek"

"Only an attention seeking slut would do that" she said a smile creeping onto her face. Niall and Tommy both sitting with there mouth wide open.

"That's nice but I didn't ask for your opinion" I said "now if you would be ever so kind I would like to go back to snogging this young lads cheek." I said the smile now on my face


"Go away"

"I can't. I have to stay to observe Tommy" she said sitting in a spare chair. When did that chair get there? Oh well?

"Okay. That's nice. Now if you would excuse me." I said before going back to planting slobbery kisses all over Tommy's face. Him wiping his face after everyone. I found that very offensive.

"Jasmine. I think that's enough" Niall said. Before laughing. The slutty nurse was still sitting there watching everything.

"Okay" I said. "I'm tired"

"Well then Get lost. Go find a fucking cardboard box and sleep in that!" The nurse said. I got up and walked straight out of the room and speed walked away. I had no idea where I was going I just needed to find the reception to get that bitch sacked.

Yay! A staff member.

"Excuse me" I said. And she walked straight passed me! Bitch! I continued walking around trying to look for the reception. I finally found a sign. But it was a sign to the lift. I'm sure a lift would help. I walked into the lift and pressed ground floor. I waited. And waited. And waited. And wai.. DING! Yay! I got out and there it was! Woohoo! I sped walked up to it.

"Hiya. How can I help you?" The lady at the reception asked

"Hiya. I'm here to visit my best mate and then this slutty nurse walked in and started flirting with him and then she left. Then she came back and sat and watched us for a bit then started swearing at me!"

"What was the nurses name?"

"I don't know but she's here doing work experience."

"Oh. Veronica?"

"I guess..?"

"Late teens. Early twenties. Wears too much lipstick. Brown hair. Blonde highlights?" The lady at the reception desk asked. Her name tag was labeled 'Sarah'.

"That's the one."

"What exactly did she say?"

"I said I was tired and then she goes. 'Well then Get lost. Go find a fucking cardboard box and sleep in that'" I said trying my best to impersonate the slut.

"I'm going to get the manger and you can tell her about that and then Veronica should get the sack."

"Thanks" I said. She came back momentarily.

"The manager said there's no need to speak to her. She's going to speak to Veronica and fire her"


"Tell me about it. All she ever does is flirt with the patients. Stupid slut. Well anyway thanks for letting us know." Suddenly Veronica or slut appeared from around the corner and scowled at me. I just stuck my middle finger up at her and walked away after thanking Sarah.

I went up to floor 5 and looked around for ages. Just trying to find Tommy's room. I rang up Tommy.


"I'm lost" I simply said.

"It's room 7."

"Thanks" I said and hung up. I walked around a corner and found sign. YAY! I ran up to it and read it. Room 7 was just around the corner. YAY. I followed the directions and walked into the room and saw a lady laying on her bed. She was sleeping. Okay. Back away slowly. I exited the room. Awkward. I rang up Tommy again

"Where are you?" He said

"Well. I just went into floor 7 and there was some blonde lady sleeping!"

"What floor are you on?"


"We're on floor 2. You dumbass"

"Well sor-ry" I sassily said. That sounds weird. Sassily said. Sassily said. Ha.

"See you In a bit" he said

I walked back around. Looking for a lift or staircase or something. I walked around a corner and bumped into someone and fell on my ass. Great. My ass is now aching. A lot. "Sorry" I said

"Jasmine?" I looked up and made eye contact with the person. Who I didn't recognise what so ever.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I said as politely as I could

"You should."


Hiya guys,

Just so you know, at first I didn't realise the whole 'Veronica' thing, from best song ever, I was just using Veronica as a name. But I guess what happened, happened?

Oh well

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