Chapter 20

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I fixed my hair, which had been blown about because of the motorbike ride. And I still had Adams beanie on but whatever. I fixed it. I walked back into the hospital room.

"HI JASMINE!" Tommy greeted me

"TOMMY!" I shouted before jumping onto him and hugging him

"No Hello for Niall?" Niall said pouting

"My leprechaun!" I ran me jumped onto him and hugged him too. "How could I forget you!"

"Jasmine..?" Niall said


" ' the hell is this?" He said poking the cut on my cheek. Oh right. Forgot about that "and ' the hell is that?" He said pointing at the beanie.

"Well this..." I started and pointed at the cut "happened when I tripped over and that..." I said pointing to the beanie "is..." Fuck. What do I say? Meh.

"Adams?" Niall said. Wow.

"Dammit. How did you know?!"

"I saw you get onto his motorbike"

"I did no such th... Meh damn it. Covers blown. Yeah I rode his motorbike. Sorry"

"What for?" Tommy asked. Wow! Tommy's not meant to say that. He's meant to say 'why did you even get on it in the first place? What if you died?'

"Getting on a motorbike?" I more asked than said

"I get it. It was a Ducati? Wasn't it?"


"It's alright then. I mean you've been drooling over motorbikes since we were 13..."

"I didn't actually drool!"

"Remember when we went to car giant to get my first car? And you stood there drooling looking at some motorbike."

"That was ages ago!"

"I know. A whole 2 months ago."

"Stop embarrassing me just because Nialls here. He's gonna think I'm a weirdo."

"Don't worry love. I already do think your weird" Niall butt in. Ouch. My poor heart. I think I'm gonna cr.... Meh I am weird. Oh well!

"Woohoo!" I said before running out of the hospital room and getting lost. Well fuck. Where am I? I'm on 5th floor, because I ran up 3 flights of stairs. So.. That helps nothing. I just walked around. I found a lift and stepped inside.

"Okay.. Floor... OH MY GAWDDDD THEY HAVE A GARDEN!" I shouted and pushed the button for the garden. A familiar ding informed me I was here. The doors opened and I stepped out.

No one was here. It's amazing! A huge fountain in the centre, grass everywhere except down the one path from the lift. It was quite big actually. There was enough grass for me to run around and skip. So I did. I started skipping and spinning until I tripped and fell on the grass and laughed at myself. I heard the lift ding again meaning someone else was coming. I wasn't bothered to heave myself up so let's just hope it's not someone I know.

I heard someone walking and then a familiar laugh. "Jasmine. Seriously?" The Irish boy said

"Yes. Now leave me be." I said not moving from my position.

"I was sent to come and get you."

"Who by?"

"Myself" he said sitting next to where I was laying. "What you doing here?"


"What about?"

"How I can tell Tommy about Adam..."

"What'd'ya mean?"

"Adam asked me to give him one more chance and I said yes, so he said this Saturday he'll come and pick me up... So how do I tell Tommy?"

"I don't know?"

"Well you're helpful, ain't you?"

"Yeah" he said with a big grin on his face.

~Tommy's POV~

Jasmine... Being jasmine, ran out the room out of excitement and probably got lost and then Niall went after her.

I took a deep breath and re-thought the whole Adam and motorbike situation. It doesn't mean anything, does it? Because after last time, if that dick makes her cry again his nose is getting broken, and so is his head, and maybe a few other bones too?

Suddenly my phone started ringing. It had a random mobile number on it. I answered it

"Hello?" I asked

"Heya Tommy mate, you alright?"

"Sorry. Who is this?" I said


"Adam as in Adam from 2 years ago?"


"2 questions... How did you get my number and why you calling me"

"1 I have my sources and 2 you know Jasmine well. What's her dream date like?"


"I'm taking her out this Saturday and I want it to be perfect" I heard him say.


"Listen, I screwed up last time and I don't want that to happen again. Just help me out this once?" He sounded so determined, so truthful.

"Fine. Her dream date would have to be... A lot of things, you've got to pick from the following. She's always wanted to go on the London eye on a first date, she says that's romantic. And a picnic in the park with fresh grass and something like that, eating Greggs. And she's said if her boyfriend bought her a puppy on a first date and they named it together that would be cute, and kissing in the rain. I think she said she'd love to walk along the beach while the sun was setting and then kissing just as the sun goes down would be perfect and catching the moment on camera."

"That's a lot mate."

"I told you."

"I'll pick a couple,"

"You can't do all of it in one day?"

"Whatever. You don't mind me taking her out, do you?" He asked

"Well since you asked..."

"Aww man, seriously?" Adam moaned.

"I'm joking, but if you fuck around with her this time, it won't just be her heart that's broken,"

"I won't. What's your address?" He asked.

I reluctantly gave him our address.

"Thanks mate." He said before hanging up. Just in time too. Jasmine and Niall walked in.

"Tommy. I've got to tell you something."

"What's up?" Okay... Think of possibilities... WHAT IF SHE SAYS SHES PREGNANT?! FUCK!? AND WHAT IF ITS WITH MARCEL! FUCK?! Okay that's enough thinking. Just shut up brain.

"I'm... Im... Pregnant..." FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Oh wow. Great way to respond. She's probably gonna start crying now.

"I'm joking. I'm going on a date with Adam this Saturday" she said before laughing.

"Oh fuck. You fucking made me shit my pants!" Just don't react to the part about Adam and pretend you don't know anything at all. Play it cool. Yeah. Awesome.


Hiya guys. I'd like to thank you for so many votes and reads.

I need you to read @Rumour3512 's stories.

She deserves this more than I do.

Here's the links to her stories.

Famous Love-
Those Green Eyes-
The Way My Life Is-



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