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"Children have you ever met the Boogeyman before? No, of course you haven't for you're much too good i'm sure."- Here Comes The Boogeyman, Henry Hall and His Orchestra, 1932 

April, 1873

Jermyn Street, East London

Alfred Westman's chest burned as he found the chance to stop and rest, a string of saliva dripping onto the ground as he bowed his head and coughed, leaving a miniature puddle that could only be seen by youthful eyes.

"Bloody Hell," Westman's childhood friend and colleague, James Penderry, breathed as he joined his friend's side. "he's fast, isn't he?"

"Indeed." Westman nodded, his body trembling from the numb ache that ran through it. "No doubt he's using some kind of magic to move this quickly, I dare say it's quite similar to how a vampire is able to move from one place to another in such a small space of time."

A streak of black flashed before Westman's eyes, and it was then that his mind told him that whoever was running from him and Jim, didn't intend on staying for a delicious slice of cake and a warm cup of tea. The darkness went left, whispering in the ears of the two men tantalisingly without being present.

"Well go on. Aren't you going to play? I'm having so much fun, i'd hate for the game to end now."

"This way, Freddie!" said Jim.

Without a moment to lose, Westman and Jim broke into a run and went around the corner, not stopping until a figure cloaked by the night came into their view. The sky was bleak and different tones of navy, and as if on que (as if the mysterious fellow was expecting it), it waited until Westman inquired for its true identity.

"Whoever you are," Westman began, taking a single step forward and bracing himself for what was to come. "show yourself!"

The silent figure obeyed the demand, turning to face Westman and Jim. Upon revealing themselves, they removed their top hat from their head.

"Greetings." a male voice sounded, revealing the gender of the now mysterious man. "My name is Lacrime. Erebus Lacrime. Who might you be, my fine fellows?"

Lacrime bowed politely, placing his hat back on his head once he had done so.

Westman nor Jim didn't bother falling for Lacrime's act of politeness, they could see the evil that lied in his heart as clear as day.

Erebus Lacrime? I am aware that lacrime means tears in Italian, Westman thought to himself. I have heard Nicky speak in his secondary tongue on numerous occasions during the time we have been friends. But Erebus? I do not think i've ever heard of that name, at least I don't think I have.

"I do not think that is relevant at this current moment in time, Mr Lacrime. Tell me, what are you doing in this world? What are your intentions?"

Lacrime seemed confused at first, but immediately shook of the emotion with his answer. "My intentions? Oh, right yes, of course. Do forgive me, were are my manners?"

Clearing his throat before beginning, the human-like male found an old wooden bench to sit on, with Westman's and Jim's irises following the 'young man's' movements.

"To put it simply, I am the Weaver of Nightmares and Darkness. However, I am more commonly known as the Boogeyman. A supposed wives tale your female counterparts tell their children in order to get them to behave. In term, I am the opposite of my brother, Lucian Agustino. The Weaver of Dreams and Light. Otherwise known as, the Sandman."

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now