•Chapter One•

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January, 2017

Penderry's Bizzare Headquarters, East Londorol

Blaire Westman gently sipped her cup of hot cocoa, the sickly but sweet drink satisfying her more than an actual breakfast. Sighing, she placed the floral themed china down on the office desk and ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head slowly.

"Honestly, i'll never understand that nitwit." she crossed out a spelling error using corrector fluid, writing the correct word over it once it had dried. "He procrastinates far too much, leaving everything till the last minute. Perhaps if he had taken some time out of his day to actually check his report, then I wouldn't be sitting here doing it for him. You, Oliver Penderry, need to start taking some responsibility."

A familiar knock at the door didn't faze her, and she answered with an almost emotionless voice. "Come in."

Standing in the door way was her boss and paternal grandfather, Victor Westman. Entering the office, Victor greeted his only granddaughter with his usual, gentle smile. "Good morning, B."

"Morning, Grandad." said Blaire, brushing the creases from her formal skirt, the one she always wore for work. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"No, no," Victor shook his head; the warm expression he bared reminded Blaire of how kind and gentle her beloved her grandparent was. "I was just coming to see how you were doing, given what today is. How are you feeling, love?"

Blaire's view turned to a framed photograph that rested on the wooden desk, picturing a younger Victor and his wife, Roxanne. "I could never forget Nanna's anniversary. I miss her so much, Grandad. It still hurts, even now."

It had been just over two years since Blaire's grandmother had died, though even after her death she had remained a big part of the lives of her grandchildren and those who had the pleasure of knowing her while she was alive. A beauty both on the inside and out, even in old age.

Victor sympathised with Blaire, approaching her and knowing what her reaction would be. She wrapped her arms around the man who had become a second father to her, with Victor immediately returning the gesture, holding her tight.

"I know it hurts, dear. I miss her too. Though I want you to remember that your grandmother loved you and Ollie so, so much. We may not be able to see her, but that doesn't mean she's gone for good. Her spirit lives on in us, she'll never leave you."

Blaire began to feel more and more comfortable in Victor's arms, wishing she never had to let go. The love and warmth Victor possessed within him could never be out shined, for he had more humanity than any human that lived in Londorol. The supernatural sceptics however, thought otherwise.

"I love you, Blaire." Victor went on to say, the sincerity in his words strong. "I always want you to know that. No matter where you are, or whatever you decide, I will always love you."

If Blaire could have said those three, simple words, then she would have done in a heartbeat. Love, was not an easy word for her to say. She'd be damned if it was even in her vocabulary.

"Thank you, Grandad." she said, the hug ending as if on cue. "It means a lot to hear you say that, I appreciate it." looking around the room, she realised her older cousin was no were to be seen. "Speaking of Ollie, were is he?"

"He went to get some breakfast from the shop down the road. Now that I mention it, have you eaten anything today?"

Blaire would have lied, but she knew Victor could catch a lie immediately as it was told. "No, I haven't. You know I don't eat in the morning, i'm never hungry."

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now