•Chapter Four•

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Roundtree Cottage, East Londorol

"No, absolutely not!" Victor opposed the idea of his grandchildren trying the potion. "I don't care that the Sandman gave it to you, B- a being of good or not, you don't know what that bloody thing is capable of!"

Blaire couldn't believe this. Agustino was trying to help and Victor was getting in the way of that. Did he not want the family curse to be lifted, to have a chance at being human?

"This could be our chance to stop the curse, Grandad!" she tried to get Victor to see the situation as she did. "You've been telling us for years that our family thrives to protect those who can't protect themselves, why should this be any different!?"

"We're helping ourselves, Grandad!" Ollie said, standing by Blaire. No matter what, he would always be on her side. "I don't like being like this, I don't want to be a freak! It hurts me...it hurts me knowing I could hurt people with my power if i'm not careful..."

Victor hated seeing Ollie unhappy, he understood his concerns and pain all too well. Being a vampire wasn't easy either, even if he only had to feast once a month. "You are anything but a freak, lad. You're a kind, selfless young man who should be proud to bear the Penderry name. Your parents would be shedding tears of joy if they were here, knowing what a good person you've grown up to be. Oh, come here, the both of you. I'm sorry for yelling."

Victor hugged Blaire and Ollie, holding the two of them close. He wasn't sure if he could carry on living if anything ever happened to his grandchildren. He had promised his deceased wife on her death bed that he would look after them, love and protect them as if they were his own.

"Let's take a calmer approach to this, shall we?" Victor suggested as he pulled away. Blaire nodded, retrieving the glass bottle from the cupboard and presenting it to the older man. Victor examined it, 'hmm'ing' in wonder.

"Odd...I think i've come across potions like this before, though it's hard to say. It's been years since I retired from monster hunting and my memory isn't one hundred percent. Hang on, what's this?"

Victor looked on the bottom of the phial, seeing a small slip of paper attached by a piece of golden, sparkling string. Removing the paper, he unrolled it to reveal a note left by Agustino himself.

"I think you better read this, B."

Victor handed Blaire the paper, and after carefully reading the letters she let out a quiet gasp.

I originally wanted to leave it as a surprise, but I thought you ought to know. This is a time travel potion, and once taken, you will be transported into the era were all of your family's misfortune began. I highly recommend bringing someone with you, perhaps that bichon of yours. Either way, it's up to you on what you choose to do.

Best wishes, darling.


PS: You will more than likely meet a familiar face.

"It's from Lucian..." Blaire trailed off, still processing the fact that what had been given to her was something with extraordinary power. "It's a time travel potion...I didn't think time travel was possible."

"If it's possible in Back To The Future..." Ollie said, completely in awe. "This is amazing! An actual potion capable of sending someone back in time! We have to do this, B, we have to help our family."

Blaire thought long and hard about her decision, something she said coming to her as soon as the thought of the possibility of setting things right after a century became a reality.

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora