•Chapter Twenty•

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Trigger warning: This chapter contains themes that are unsuitable for younger readers. I have never included themes like this in any of my stories before, so it was hard for me to write. I thank you all for reading this.

A week later

The Evening Of The Masquerade Costume Ball

"I haven't actually attended a masquerade ball before." said Blaire, already starting to feel uncomfortable in her dress though she could not show it. "Though from the sound of it, it does not seem like it will be that bad. Just people in costumes, really."

"Masquerade balls are so much more, my dear." Jim said, recalling a story his grandmother had told him. "I believe that is were my grandmother met my grandfather, at a ball similar to the one Mr Song is hosting. Masquerades are a place of mystery, with subtle hints of romance."

"I hear Mr Song has put a lot of hard work into making the ball the greatest it can be." said Westman, imagining the Octave Mansion to be full of live and colour. "He did the same for the quintuplets birthday celebration not so long ago, correct?"

"You and I were at that party, Freddie." Jim reminded the gentleman. "You couldn't decide on what to get for them so you gifted them with chocolate truffles. They seemed seemed happy enough, and the look on Claudia's face was priceless. She got chocolate all over the front of her dress, though instead of screeching like a banshee she laughed like a hyena."

"Luckily those truffles happened to be their favourite. I suppose that is what makes the Song siblings different to most. They are able to turn small mishaps into humorous situations, laugh at the littlest of things."

"Yes, they sound wonderful." Blaire wasn't in the mood to hear about the Song siblings, and instead wished to focus on more important things, such as a potential surprise attack from Lacrime at the ball. "Do we have our weapons?"

"Of course, dear. We must be prepared for anything that comes our way, I have a feeling that we will be in contact with darker forces tonight- that being said, I have been feeling rather paranoid as of late. Perhaps this suspicion I have is simply down to my paranoid thoughts, I am sure everything will be grand. A party is just what we need to clear our heads, isn't that right, Freddie? Freddie?"

"Hmm? Oh, I apologise. Did you say something, Jim?" Westman was looking out the window, watching the buildings pass by before his eyes. Blaire recognised his actions as being one of her own habits, and she sat back in her seat with a small smile on her face.

Maybe we are more alike than we both think.

"I said that a party is just the thing we need to clear our heads," Jim repeated, fixing his bow tie and brushing back his hair. After doing so, he noticed that Blaire was wearing a necklace that looked very familiar to him. "Freddie, is that your mother's necklace? The one she would always wear?"

"Yes, it is." Westman replied, not saying any more after that. Communicating with Blaire telepathically, he watched as Blaire held the fake sapphire gemstone in her hand.

"It suits you very well. My mother would often wear blue, as a way to enhance her features."

"I'm sure your mother was beautiful." said Blaire, able to paint a picture of what the deceased Mrs Westman might have looked like. Black hair that reached up to her back, fair skin and eyes the colour of tree bark.

"She was indeed beautiful. Though, if she were alive today I can only imagine the compliments you would receive from her. You may choose not to see your true beauty, but I see more than an elegant face. That is all you want, isn't it? Someone to appreciate you for everything that you are, to love and cherish you?"

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin