•Chapter Nine•

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"Cousins and partners, you say? Interesting. Might I ask what kind of work it is you and Mr Mullen pursue, Miss Fletcher?"

Hanna's interest had sparked after becoming acquainted with Blaire and Ollie, the two of them finding it pleasing that someone in the room seemed happy (not that everyone else was miserable, of course).

"We deal with the supernatural." Ollie proceeded to explain, sipping his tea and shuddering at the bland taste it held before mixing a teaspoon of honey into it. "We have had many assignments over the years, each one different than the last. We're fans of things that are unique, aren't we, Roxy?"

"Indeed we are, Simon." Blaire replied, keeping a straight face.

At least that wasn't a lie. Blaire had been exposed to the unnatural from being young, a memory that had stuck with her the most was when she first started learning how to use a sword at the age of seven, and it was fair to say that she was a professional in using weaponry because of it.

"You have no affliction with any kind of magazine at all?" Jim raised a brow, cocking his head to the side whilst looking confused. Ollie shook his head at the question, pleasantly satisfied with his now sweetened cup of tea.

"None at all. Roxanne and I work alone. An unusual profession I know, though it is what we are passionate about. We thrive to help those who cannot help themselves, it is all part of our service, you see."

As soon as Ollie had said that, Jim returned to his original posture, eyes wide at what he heard. How those few simple words reminded him of himself, even down to the way they were spoken. Bunny lightly touched his arm, able to tell what he was thinking. The motion grabbed Jim's attention, and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"I was thinking the exact same thing, dear." she said softly. "It is odd, though nice to see. Mr Mullen reminds me of you as well. From how he speaks of Miss Fletcher, he appears to love her very much."

"Yes, he does." Jim let a small smile creep onto his face. "I admire that, truly I do. True love is but one form, and love between family members and friends is just one of those forms. That, I know all too well."

Jim sighed, turning away from Bunny. A wave of sadness washed over her, she understood how her fiancé was feeling.

If only you could see the hurt you have left behind through your demise, George. Your siblings miss you terribly, as does your uncle and grandmother. Hanna weeps for you nearly every day.

Jim's expression should have made Westman suspicious, though somehow he was unable to tell what exactly he was feeling. He could sense it was grief, but from what? Lacrime's curse could have been one reason, though it seemed much more heartbreaking than that.

Victoria caught him by surprise as she jumped up next to him and rested her head on his lap. Before he even had the chance to tell her to get down, she had settled right in. Westman looked down at her, proceeding stroke her wool-like fur.

"You have taken a liking to me? I am sorry to tell you this, girl, but there is not much about me that is the least bit enjoyable. Unless you think otherwise, of course, then for that I am grateful."

Blaire smirked behind her cup, knowing all too well what Victoria was doing. "She's observing you. Making sure you will not cause me any harm."

Westman liked how even a canine had a cautious side, taking it to be a trait she had learned from her mistress. "I shall have you know that not all vampires are evil, some of us are merely trapped souls looking for means to escape from our own personal prisons. I do not enjoy drinking blood, though it is what I must do to survive each month."

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now