•Chapter Seven•

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Trigger warning: Implied self harm

Hanna remained wide eyed as her sights settled on Westman, her eyes brimming with tears as she got down from Luna and put her arms around her friend, her breaths hitching as her tears fell.

"Hanna, I..."

Hanna's grip loosened as she heard Westman's gentle voice, softly stepping back so that she could see him better and placing both her hands on his cheeks, her tears failing to cease. "You sound so...broken. What's happened to you, Alfie?"

Westman didn't even know himself. What had happened to him? One minute he was cynical, tough hearted and unwilling to let new friends into his life in fear of getting hurt by them, and now...he was fragile and on the verge of shattering into millions of pieces, with a hidden want to die.

"I...I do not know, Hanna. If I could answer your question, then I would. I'm sorry...i'm so sorry for everything I may have caused by running away. Please, forgive me."

Hanna smiled through her sorrow, taking Westman's hand with a promising look in her blue irises. "You no longer have to keep running, Alfie. I'm here for you, and I always will be. I love you because I am your friend and I want to be able to help you in any way that I can. Please, come home."

Westman thought long and hard. If he were to go home then he would be taken care of properly, though at the same time his friends would be watching him like a hawk, making sure he didn't strain himself or make himself sick. If he stayed in the woods, then it seemed more than likely he would die from starvation or illness, especially in the colder months.

Though he couldn't bring himself to say the words that Hanna wanted to hear. He didn't have to agree to anything, he was his own man and it was up to him what choices he made. He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Hanna, I cannot return home. You will all be much safer if I remain here. That is why I ran away, to protect those I care about. I would not be able to forgive myself if any kind of harm were to befall you. Again, I am sorry. Goodbye, Shannon Everlington."

Hanna clenched her fist, her tears becoming stronger and more visible. Before Westman could turn around and leave, she grabbed him by his wrist and made him face her, her brows narrowing. Never had he seen her look so serious before, if he was honest...it was actually rather terrifying. Slapping him across the face with her free hand, Westman winced at the sharp action, stunned rather than pained.

"What was that for!?"

"For being selfish!" Hanna said in anger. "How can you do this to the people who care about you!? Jim has had countless sleepless nights worrying about you, and because of the stress he has been put under he has taken to drink! He doesn't think anyone knows, but I know more than he realises! It breaks my heart every day to see Sophie weep because she is so certain that her friend is lying dead in a damn ditch! You selfish, ignorant man!"

Hanna brought her grip to the front of Westman's shirt, burying her face into his chest as she cried. Westman didn't think she was going to be upset over the matter, but then that word came to mind. Ignorant.

No. He was far from being ignorant. He had no time to be like that, and Hanna certainly had no right to call him such a horrid thing.

"I'm not ignorant, Hanna. Don't ever call me that. You are right about one thing though, I am selfish for what I have been doing. Your tears are allowed to be shed, I can only imagine that Miss Penderry is feeling the same way as you are now. Come now, it's alright."

Westman patted Hanna's back; it pained him to see her cry. She was usually so strong, with not a frown on her face, but now she was in his arms, sobbing her little heart out.

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now