•Chapter Twenty-Six•

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Oh dear God, George thought to himself nervously. My family are on the verge of insanity...how fun. Nevermind that, I shall not judge them. It is not their fault that they have become this way.

"Mad as hatters? Yes, I suppose we are."

A smirk grew on Jim's features at the reference to the old fairytale about a girl falling down a rabbit hole and discovering a magical place known as Wonderland. Now that he thought about it, drinking sent him into his own Wonderland of drunken hallucinations, though it was not wonderful like Alice's. There were no mock turtles or blue caterpillars, only distorted images of what once was and could no longer be.

Lacrime wiped blood from his lips, grinning mischievously. He picked the spikes out of his coat one by one, tossing them aside.

"Thank you for ruining my brand new coat, boy." he glanced at George, not sounding very amused despite his words. "It is greatly appreciated."

"I'll ruin your more than your bloody coat if you try anything stupid. Maybe i'll break a bone or two, how would you like that?" Blaire threatened, one hand clenched into a fist while she held her sword in the other. In normal circumstances Westman would have told any other women to watch her mouth, but instead he did not. Blaire was not just any woman, she was a Westman- a vampire. He looked at her, a practically invisible grin on his face.

That's my girl.

"Your language is filthy." said Lacrime, straightening his posture. "Very filthy. If you had any decency you would hold your tongue, or do I have to get a few hits in to teach you a lesson?"

Ollie growled, eyes going yellow. "Hurt her and i'll kill you."

Lacrime laughed, standing with his hands behind his back. "Is that right, is it? If anyone will be doing any killing, it will be me. Now come on, before I get bored and strike first."

Ollie muttered a Latin spell and clicked his fingers, with and Jim disappearing into thin air. They both teleported into different parts of Lacrime's cold world, their rifles at the ready. Taking a deep breath, Ollie aimed his rifle at Lacrime's shoulder and took the shot, mentally cheering when he didn't miss.

Lacrime snarled, holding onto his bleeding shoulder. The bullet had gone straight through. "Is that how you want to do things? Very well then, let's dance shall we?"

Blaire attempted to kick him in the face but missed when he vanished, appearing behind her and about to attack only for her to sense his presence and strike. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and punched him twice, managing to get good hits in times. Lacrime pushed her away from him, Blaire growing more impatient and angry by the second.

"What?" she teased, smirking. "Never been hit by a woman before?"

Lacrime laughed in response. "Plenty of times, my dear, though I always tend to hit back. I treat women the same as men, showing them who is more powerful when they misbehave. I believe that is something you and I have in common, Blaire, we both like the feeling of power."

Blaire cracked her knuckles. "I suppose you are right in terms of power. I like asserting dominance in tricky situations, but I do not take enjoyment in it like you do! Fight me all you want, though no matter what I will not stop until I win!"

The two charged at each other, quickly at each other's throats. Blaire's piercing red eyes didn't frighten Lacrime, instead they only motivated him to be strong. He pinned Blaire's wrists to her side, seeing her panic as she struggled.

"Bringing back memories, I see?" he said, knowing full well what he was doing. Blaire tried kicking him in the groin but it was no use, she felt completely powerless against him.

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now