•Chapter Fourteen•

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"You have been staring out of that window the entire time we have been travelling. Your mind troubles you, does it not?" Westman said, knowing of the torment the mind could cause. "Are you even listening to me, Blaire?"

"Yes." Blaire answered with little enthusiasm. "The buildings have caught my eye, is all. There are hardly any buildings like the ones I am seeing in my time...it is rather sad."

"Sad? Judging by what you have told me about your life in the future, it seems as though there has been changes. You mentioned that women have the opportunity to vote and become members of parliament- leaders of political parties even. Are there many figures in female leadership in your time?"

"An equal balance of both men and women, I would say. I don't care for politics. From my many interviews I have learned that men are rotten pigs in parliament, they claim that they will make improvements to make everyone's lives better when in fact they do nothing but sit on their arse all day whilst still earning money they didn't even attempt to work for."

Westman was taken aback by her language. Of course he expected foul words from Hanna because of her masculine influences, but not from someone of his own blood! How dare she assume all men sat on their behinds and did nothing!

Just because you are a woman, it does not give you the right to say such things about men.

"I can assure you that not all members of the male gender are what you assume them to be. You can take me as an example. I am a journalist who investigates the supernatural; i'm very much an active man like your uncle here."

Jim did not seem to care for the conversation that was taking in the carriage, and was instead focused on Ollie who looked as though he was in his own world. Before he could speak, the moving vehicle stopped with a sudden start, flinging the four passengers back. Westman groaned after hitting the back of his head, with annoyance rather than pain.

"Blinks! What is the meaning of this? Blinks!"

There was no reply from the servant, and a chill ran up Westman's spine as he thought of the horrifying possibilities.

Oh dear God...

Westman climbed up onto the roof via the hatch, hauling himself up and looking for the strawberry blond.

"Blinks? Blinks are you all right- Blinks!"

Westman found him unconscious in the driver's seat, the horses surprisingly calm. He saw it as being unusual, and without delay he tried to bring Blinks around by shaking his shoulder.

"Oh no...Blinks, wake up! Please!"

Five bandits surrounded the carriage below, their voices quickly alerting Westman. Protective instincts- the type he had never felt before manifested themselves, and his eyes glowed red as he jumped down to the ground, a hiss taking life from his lips as he locked his view on the enemies.

"What do you want!?"

How and why had he grown to be so blunt? He had never addressed anyone like that before, not even the bandits Sophie had punched in the face last year. Whatever was happening to him...he didn't like it, not one bit.

"What bandits usually want, you middle classed halfwit!" replied one of the ruffians. "Give us what you've got!"

Middle classed halfwit!? I'll show them! My grandfather is middle classed, yes, but he is not an idiot!

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Blaire said as she stepped out of the carriage in confidence, knowing what she had to do. "I advise you to step away from the carriage."

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now