Another Attempt

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Hello Readers! So Every Once In A While I Will Use My Own Drawings On Here! Above Is One I Drew.

 They arrived at Kim Possible's house by sundown. Shego expertly parked the hovercraft behind a tree in Kim's backyard so they wouldn't be noticed, and turned to Drakken who was grinning widely at the controller in his hand. 

"Drakken?Hellooooo. Drakken?" Shego rolled her eyes and raised her voice. "Dr.D!"

"Dah! Shego, you don't have to yell!" 

"Apparently I do." She muttered to herself turning away from him.

"What was that Shego?"

"Ohh nothing. Question: Did you even realize we're here?!"

"Being an evil genius takes concentration."

"Ugh, just get ON with it already." He turned to the direction of the house and pressed the button.

"Oh noo. Grr! I can't believe this." He grumbled.

"I knew something had to happen. What did you do this time, 'genius'?"

"I um... may have forgotten I have to turn on the robots first?" Shego smacked her forehead.


"All right. The robots are turned on and I am fully ready to destroy Kim Possible!" He dramatically raised the remote up to the sky and pressed the white button. "Any minute now. Annny second..." She sat back down and pulled out her nail file.

"Just let me know when they get here." About ten minutes later, a whooshing sound alerted Drakken and Shego of the robots' arrival, as they both looked up into the dark sky. "Aren't those your syntho drones?" Shego asked watching the black and red drones land. 

"Yes but now with my own design of indestructible outer layering! Now attack my newly modeled syntho drones!"

They marched to the house and kicked down the back door, with a loud crash. 

"So subtle."

"I hope no one heard that..." Drakken muttered. Faint screams sounded, from inside. Probably from the little brat possibles. Kim kicked the drones, so they weren't in the house anymore, just as Ron ran down the street to her house still wearing his pajamas.

"KP! I heard screams and..."

"Ron! It's Drakken's Syntho drones!"

"Didn't he already do that?" 

The drones were moving as slow as molasses. "Dargh, the indestructible layering must have slowed down their ability to defeat Kim Possible!" 

Obviously Kim Possible ended up defeating the robots and the evil duo had to return to the lair. "I swear it's like watching reruns everyday." Shego grumbled to herself, as she drove the hovercraft onto the landing area.

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon