Plan into Action

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Once Dementor and his henchmen had left there was an even larger hole in his roof. 

"Drakken, that was spankin'!" 

 "Woah. Dude that. was. awesome! Do it again!" Ron said. Drakken smiled and tried to do it again but ended up falling over. "Hii ya-aaaahhhh!!!" He said as he tumbled over. 

"Huh. I guess I- I guess I can't do it anymore." He said rubbing his head confusedly. 

"Du-ude you were powered by something strong!"

"You mean like some electric discharge?" Drakken asked raising an eyebrow.

"No-o. You were powered by revenge!"

"And by the thought of never seeing Shego again." Added Kim.

The thought of that in Drakkens mind propelled him upwards and flying at Kim. She stepped aside easily sending him to the floor. 

"Seee?" She said smugly. Drakken rubbed the bump on his forehead.

"Grr. fine whatever, so you were right." He turned away and crossed his arms. 

"Anyway, so what now?" She asked. 

"Well It might require you two to act like your under mind control."

"You mean like how I acted when I had that chip on my forehead?"


"Sighs. Oh fine."

"So If I can find a way to use your gadget to contact her, I show her you two under my control and then she comes back!"

"That's actually a pretty good plan." remarked Ron.

"Yeah. I'm surprisingly impressed."

"Let's get to work."

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now