Kim Helps

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Have I really sunk this low?  Drakken wondered. He had just called his nemesis for help. He smacked his forehead as the sound of jet packs came closer and closer. He knew they would arrive in a matter of seconds. It was strange to not be trying to trap her by now. But if he wanted Shego back he had to make a few sacrifices. And this would be the toughest one he would ever have to make. Kim and Ron dropped down through the hole in the roof and landed a few feet in front of Drakken. "You know, you really should get that hole fixed." Remarked Ron as he took off his jet pack. Drakken ground his teeth.

"I've been busy." He replied with his hands behind his back. 

"How did you get to Wade?" Asked Kim taking of her pack too and placing it beside Ron's. Drakken brightened up. 

"Ah! One of my best inventions! Designed to video me and push into any broadcasting video that plays. I'm saving it for my next world conquest ultimatum. But that's not why I called you here."

"Why do you need our help?" 

"Yeah, doesn't Shego help you with everything?" Asked Ron. Drakkens mind immediately turned to an image of Shego sitting in the chair by the place where he built all of his machines. Shaking his head he turned around.

"Yes, well she's sort of... left. Follow me I'll explain." They followed him into the living room and took a seat on the couch while Drakken took the cushioned chair by the TV, and turned it to face them.

"So what's the sitch?"

"A - what, what?" He said puzzled.

"What's the problem?" She rephrased.

"Well you see after you foiled my syntho drone plans, we returned back here and she went all crazed sidekick on me. Shego threatened to leave, unless I came up with a plan that would actually work."

"Harsh." Remarked Kim from beside Ron on the couch.

"I suppose I could have worked harder on the plan. I didn't know it had to be evil, I thought if it just worked it would be fine. I'm embarrassed to say my plan was to go out for ice cream."

"Sounds like a perfectly fine plan to me." Said Ron. Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket.

"Yum ice cream."

"She left with her after she saw my plan and..." Drakken stopped talking unable to continue.

"Well that's not so bad right? She'll be back."

"You don't understand! She's never coming back. She's gone forever..." Drakken buried his face in his hands fighting back tears. This was already bad enough. He couldn't start crying in front of his nemesis. Ron and Kim exchanged looks. 

"So what do you need us for?"

"Don't you see? I'm nothing without Shego. And... I need your... Help. To get her back."

Kim and Ron  looked at each other again, unsure what to do about the sad blue man in front of them. Kim awkwardly patted his back. 

"What can we do?"

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now