Kim Possible

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"KP! You got another hit on the site!" Said Ron as he ran over to Kim, who was just about to start  cheer practice with the squad. 

"Really? From who?"

"You might want to sit down for this Kim."

"Ron, I fight evil all day. I think I can handle it. Does Gill need our help or something?"

"first of all, if Gill needed our help I would stay home. And second of all... Well... Wade you better patch him through." Ron said to the Kimmunicator and handed it to Kim.

"Ron's right Kim. You better prepare yourself."

"Seriously Wade, is it some talking animal that needs help or something? Trust me. I can handle it."

"Well alright. Let me patch him through." Wade typed something in on his computer and a frustrated Drakken appeared on the screen.

" Wade typed something in on his computer and a frustrated Drakken appeared on the screen

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"Woah, hang on this is too freaky."

"I told you Kim!" Ron said.

"Kiiiim. Practice is starting! Are you ready or not?!" Called Bonnie from the other side of the gym. Kim held up a hand. 

"Have something I need to take care first. Sorry Bonnie, gonna have to rain check." Kim and Ron dashed out the gym doors and into the hallway. "Hang on. I'm having some serious deja vu here Wade. Is this another person Drakken switched bodies with?"

"Almost wish I could tell you it was, Kim. I already did a full scan on him."

"Against my wishes, might I add." Concluded Drakken from the Kimmunicator."

"Alright, then do you have some world dominating ultimatum or something?"

"The truth is I need some help."

"World dominating help I bet." Accused Ron from beside Kim.

"Gah!" Exclaimed Drakken. "Look, this is hard enough already without your blabbering. Meet me at my lair." The Kimmunicator beeped out and the screen turned black. 

"Don't do it KP, I bet it's a trap. Or a trap trap. Or a trap trap trap." 

"I'm not sure Ron. He sounded pretty sincere." She turned the Kimmunicator back on. "Wade, can you do a scan on Drakkens lair for traps or anything trap like?" 

"You got it. Scanning now." Wade beeped out.

"I don't know Kim. This seems way too suspicious."

"It's weird for me too Ron. But we have to help anybody who needs it. Unless it's for evil. Then we can't help out."

"It feels so wrong. And yet if it were a trap it seems way too obvious."

"It does seem like an obvious trap. And yet he seemed so serious."

A few minutes later Wade beeped back in. "Let me guess, loaded with traps set?" Said Ron leaning into the kimmunicator in Kim's hand.

"No! It's exactly the opposite! All traps show up disengaged!"

Kim turned to Ron while turning off the electronic kimmunicator. "Ron let's jet."

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now