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"I swear Shego, if Kim Possible beats me anymore I'm going full mad genius!" Yelled Drakken still fuming about his most recent defeat.

"Indestructible armor Shego! IN-DE-STRUC-TI-BLE! And she broke it. She broke it, Shego! They don't make indestructible armor like they used to these days."  

Shego got up huffily from her seat and glared at Drakken with her hands on her hips.

"I don't know about that but if you don't succeed on your next plan I'm outta here!" 

Drakken looked back to her surprised at her threat.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would. So you better come up with a plan that works, or I'm quitting, and moving out."

"Shego, I need you here! You can't leave!"

"I can and will, unless you find a way to win I'm packing my bags. Got it?" Drakken whimpered ever so slightly.

"Yes. And look, look! working on a plan!" He said as he grabbed a piece of paper laid it down on the counter, and started scribbling on it with the wrong side of a pen. Shego stalked out of the lair and into the living room. 

"I'm doomed." Drakken said collapsing on the paper.

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now