Never Again

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Drakken put down the phone with a frown upon his light blue skin. He had tried calling over and over, and had left twelve messages begging her to come back. Realization sunk in as he became aware that he would never see Shego again. She always helped him even if she was annoyed by it. If he made a mistake she would point it out. Maybe he shouldn't have whined about it whenever she pointed out his mistakes. After all, if he had never noticed the mistake, his plans wouldn't have ever gone nearly as well. He supposed, he should have worked harder on his plans the night before, but the more complicated the plan, the harder it would have been to pull off, and he was desperate. But was he desperate enough to... 

Of course not. He thought to himself. I can do just fine without her. 

He walked up the stairs that led to a balcony where two rooms were. He passed the guest room where Shego had originally stayed and stared at the nameplate. 

'Shego's room' it read.

He placed a hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, causing it to creak. Drakken peeked through the door to look at the empty room. The green blanket he had gotten for her when she first moved in laid on the bed ruffled, where she had slept. Taking small, slow steps he walked over to the bedside table. He had been in this room only a couple times. Twice before when he used it as a storage room, then again, when Shego had given him the news that she couldn't come to work that day, because she was looking for a new place to stay. He had offered for her to stay in the guest room for the time being, and he cleared the room out and gotten it a nameplate, bed frame, mattress, and the green blanket. He hadn't been in it since. Slowly he sat down on the bed and closed his eyes. He breathed in through his nose and noticed a familiar smell. It was the scent of Shego. In this room the scent was stronger since this was where she had spent most of her time. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really see her much. She spent most of her time elsewhere in the lair, until he yelled for her. 

It must have been annoying for her. The only time when your needed was when somebody yelled at you. 

"I'm sorry Shego. I should have treated you better." He said aloud to himself. He could almost hear her.

"Dr. D dry up." 

He chuckled slightly, even feeling as distraught as he did. She definitely would have said that if she had been there. He would never hear her sarcastic comments agin, never watch her file her nails with a bored expression, never smell her scent as she walked by, and he would never speak to her again. :(

He bent his head low as a single tear slid down his blue cheeks.

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