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Soon the lair was clean, the roof was fixed, and Shego's room had bright green walls. Everything was perfect for when Shego returned. Drakken was fussing over everything, and dusting the lair from top to bottom. 

"Drakken? I think you might be overdoing it. I know your nervous but.. just take a few deep breaths."

"I'm perfectly fine, for your information. I just want to make sure everything is perfect." He replied while accidentally dusting Ron's hair.

"I know I'm not the cleanest man on earth, but I took a shower yesterday!" Said Ron pushing the duster away. Drakken stopped dusting and Kim took the duster from him.

"I think everything is dusted enough." She said laying the duster on the lair's counter. Just then his phone rang and his hand flashed to his pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Ah, Shego! Ten minutes? Already? Ok, see you then!" He said as Shego hung up. He had a strained smile on his face and he started freaking out. "Remember to act under control! Is the lair clean enough? Do you think I missed a spot when I painted? Is there any more garbage on the floor? How about the-" Kim put a hand over his mouth.

"Everything is fine Drakken. When I said to clean up, I meant just pick up the trash. Not go overboard."  Just then the door opened and Shego stepped into the lair. She had her duffel bag slung over one shoulder and her hair was floating in the breeze slightly. Kim and Ron quickly snapped into mind control mode as Drakken stared at Shego. It was like he hadn't seen her in years. (Even though it had only been a few days.) He ran to her and embraced her in a bear hug, causing her to drop her duffel bag. 

"Oh Shego! I thought I'd never see you again!" Suddenly his eyes opened and he let go. "Ah. Yes. Sorry about that." He was surprised she hadn't blasted him away with a green blast. Shego had a stunned look on her face. 

"Well. That was an unexpected greeting." She took a look around the lair and took everything in. The sparkling floors, perfectly cleaned lair, and the roof was even fixed. And lastly, Kim and Ron.

"So, Kimmy is under control. Not so powerful now that she's controlled." She smirked. 

"It wasn't that hard, really, just had to sneak into Henchco, and steal the mind control device." Said Drakken as he showed off the model of the device. 

"I gotta' admit, you did a pretty good job, Dr. D. I didn't think you had it in ya" He smiled.

"I just had to focus." Said Drakken. "Why don't you unpack upstairs?" He suggested as he escorted her up the steps. She opened the door and took in the green walls. She gasped as she dropped her bag.

"You got someone to paint my room?" She said as she entered the bedroom.

"Actually, I painted it myself." He replied, smiling. 

"I love it." She said sitting down on the bed.

Drakken stood there for a few moments.

"I'll just leave while you get settled in." Drakken said closing the door behind him. He skipped down the steps. He was so happy nothing could depress him.

Kim walked over to Drakken and said, "Drakken, have you even thought about what happens now? We can't stay here forever."  All of a sudden all the joy drained out of him, like a balloon losing it's air.

"Erm..." Then Ron walked over.

"Did you see her face? We have her so fooled!" A cold angry voice sounded from the stairs.

"Have who fooled?" 

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora