Shego Gets Mad

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Shego stood on the stairs while Drakken, Kim, and Ron stood at the bottom. 

"You made me come back here when I could have been relaxing on the beach?! You tricked me?! Lied to me?!" Her hands started to glow as fire surrounded her clenched fists. 

"No Shego! I can explain!" Said Drakken hurriedly as fear started to course through his veins. She jumped from the steps where she stood and hit him with a green blast sending him to the floor. Kim and Ron jumped back as she started shooting green blasts after him as she chased him around the lair. Drakken ran as fast as he could, trying to avoid the blasts. Just as he was about to round a corner, Shego jumped in front of Drakken and backed him to the wall. He closed his eyes, and covered his face with his hands. 

"Not in the face!" He exclaimed fearfully. Shego then brought back her leg and kicked him hard in the crotch. He let out a big breath of air as he struggled to breathe through the pain. 

"Shego! Normally, I don't mind seeing you give Drakken a beat down but he doesn't deserve this!" Said Ron jumping in front of Drakken. Drakken had collapsed on the floor. Kim jumped in front of Drakken too, and stood beside Ron.

"Ron's right. He wanted you back so much, he called us for help. He's given Dementor and his men a complete beat down, gone through the entire demeaning experience without complaining, and came up with the whole plan to get you back."

"Stand aside princess. This is between me and Drakken. None of your lies can stop me."

"Their not lying." Drakken struggled to say. 

"Please. You defeat Dementor and his men?" 

"He has some awesome fighting skills." Said Ron.

"I didn't even help." Said Kim. "And it pains me to say it." She mumbled. 

Shego had started to calm down. "Why should I believe you?" She growled. 

"Because I recorded everything." Said  Wade from the kimmunicator in Kim's pocket. Kim grabbed it and held it out. "I record all of Kim's missions. Even when, I'm not in connection with Kim it records everything, whether there's connection or not. Watch." He said and a recording started to play.

"I did a full scan on him."

"Against my will, might I add."

"All traps show up disengaged!"

"I'm nothing without Shego." 

"I need your help."

"What can we do?"

"Would you like me to create a copy?"

"I'm coming for you Dr..."


"Well, looks like we're going to have to stay here for the night."

"I know it must be hard working with your nemesis."

"If it weren't for Shego you would have been trapped by now."

"Do you think she might actually like me?" 

It showed Dementor arriving and everyone being chained to  a wall and lowered into the shark tank. It showed a light coming into Drakken's eyes as he saved Kim, Ron and himself. And how he attacked Dementor to get the model back.

"And by the thought of never seeing Shego again." 

The Drakken in the video lunged at Kim as she stepped aside. 

"Drakken? Are you ok? You seem nervous."

"I'm perfectly fine, for your information. I just want to make sure everything is perfect."

"Oh Shego! I thought I'd never see you again!" 

The video ended and Kim put the kimmunicator back in her pocket. 

"Obviously, Wade clipped out the long boring parts so that the video would be shorter. But the point is, Drakken's intentions were to get you back. He went through everything just for you. Don't you see Shego? He will do anything for you. He cares. He really does." 

Shego was replaying the video in her mind. He had demeaned himself, fought, and cleaned the lair, just for her. Kim and Ron stepped aside as Shego walked forward. Drakken covered his face again, and closed his eyes preparing for impact. But instead, she pulled him to his feet and hugged him. Tears threatened to drop out of Shego's eyes but she didn't let them fall. She was moved, but she wasn't a ninny. Drakken however let loose the waterworks and tears gushed out of his eyes as he sniffled. 

                                                            Two boxes of Kleenex later.

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