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Drakken was using the kimmunicator to contact Shego. According to Kim Possible's nerdy computer friend, it would force answer. She would hear him no matter what and also see him through her phone. Drakken was nervous about calling her and he wasn't sure why. It wasn't like he hadn't called her before. "Drakken? Are you ok? You seem nervous."

"Who said I was nervous? I- I'm not nervous!" He said hurriedly. Kim raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Well... Maybe..."

"Are you sure about that?" He whimpered a bit.

"Oh alright! Fine! So I'm a teeny bit nervous!" Kim smiled reassuringly. 

"Drakken, It's going to be fine. Just call her, tell her you have us under control, and ask if she might come back. Simple!"

"But most of my plans fail anyway. Who's to say this one won't?"

"The reason most of your plans don't work, is because I stop you. Sure a few of them wouldn't have worked anyway, but a lot of them would have succeeded if I hadn't broken it, or stopped you."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Now just call her."

Drakken breathed deeply and turned on the kimmunicator and called Shego.

Shego's phone rang and she picked it up. She was sitting on her bed in her vacation home reading a book on fighting techniques. 

"Drakken again? Please. I'm on vacation." Suddenly Drakkens face appeared on her phones screen. But I didn't answer... 

"Ah! Shego! I know you don't wan't to see me ever again, but I have just completed one of my evil schemes!"

"Let me guess, this one involved getting hot dogs?"

"No! 8 now have full control over Kim Possible, and her sidekick!" He pointed the kimmunicator at Ron and Kim who had gave their eyes an unfocused emotionless look and stared ahead.

"You are very smart! And look good in this light!" Kim said, remembering what she had said while under Drakkens control before. Drakken turned the screen back to himself.

"And this time, there is no way to get them out of my control, without this remote!" Shego was stunned. His plan... Had worked? And he now was free to take over the world? 

"So... Now that I have proven that I am evil... will you consider, maybe coming back? I'll give you a raise!" Shego was still stunned. But she had to admit.. she did miss him.

"Oh, well I guess I could come back. I mean, if you're giving me a raise, I suppose, it couldn't hurt."

"Yes! She's coming back! Shego's coming back! Oh happy day! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Shego raised a black eyebrow at her phone.

"Umm... Dr. D?" Drakken stopped immediately and his eyes widened as he heard her voice from the kimmunicator. 

"Y- you heard me didn't you?"

"Uh. Yeah." 

"Well... Cough. I'll see you later today back at the lair?"

"Well, if I pack now, and I get to the first flight, I think I can make it." Drakken tried to not shout a sudden outburst of happiness.

"Great! I'll see you later!" He said happily and turned the kimmunicator off. Shego sat back with her eyes wide. It was so unexpected. When she woke up this morning she did not expect to get a call from her former coworker telling her he could now take over the world, or be packing her bags and catching a plane to Upperton. (That's where the airport was.) But that's exactly what happened. Quickly she darted around the vacation home, grabbed her few belongings and stuffed them in her duffel bag. She was going home.

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now