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The next day Kim had already whipped up breakfast for everyone by using some eggs in Drakkens fridge. She left Drakken's plate outside of his door so he didn't have to face them and feel even more demeaned than he had to be. 

Later they were just hanging around in the living room waiting for any contact from Wade. Briefly Kim was able to get connection on the kimmunicator. 

"Wade! quick where's that model?" A bright light shone out of the kimmunicator and a model of the mind control device appeared in front of them. "My new 3-D printe-" The kimmunicator lost connection and the screen turned black. Drakken ran forward, grabbed the model of the mind control machine and pointed it at Kim and Ron.

"Ha! You are both now under my full control!"

"Duude. Model. Doesn't work. It's fake."

"Ah, yes. Well, old habits die hard you know" Just then a large crash sounded and they ran out of the living room too see an even larger hole in the roof. Drakken ran and hid behind Ron as a large mechanical robot fell through and landed in the middle of the lair. Dementor jumped out from the robot. 

"Well, well, well. Kim Possible, the Stoppable fellow, and..." He narrowed his eyes. "Dr.Drakken. I don't know how you did it with the lair on lockdown, but it appears that you have successfully stolen the mind control device." Drakken shook as he was behind Ron.

"saave me...." he whimpered.Professor Dementor pointed to the device in Drakkens hand and looked up to the giant robot which reached down and easily plucked it from his grasp. Kim ran forward and was able to knock down Dementor, who's men poured out of the robot and overpowered her. They chained her, Ron, and Drakken to the wall where they hung helplessly. above Drakkens shark pit. 

"I completely forgot I even had that." Remarked Drakken. Kim had never been defeated so easily before. Dementor was now using Drakkens lab equipment to search for just the right person to control. 

"Now that I know just who to control I'll be on my way. You how ever will stay here and never, ever be seen again! Hahahahaaaa!" He pressed a button on the lab counter which started to make the wall lower into the water where the hungry sharks were snapping. Dementor started walking back to the robot still laughing, when Drakken suddenly realized, that he still had the model. The only way to get Shego back was in the hands of Dementor. And he would never see Shego again if he was devoured by a shark. Could it be I like Shego? No of course not... but then... why am I even doing this, if I didn't? His key to getting her back was with Dementor. The only way to get her back... the only way.. the only way... THE ONLY WAY 

Suddenly he realized Kim Possible still had her laser lipstick with her. he could see it just poking out of her pocket. "Kim Possible! Your laser!"

"Drakken, my hands are way to big to grab it. We're doomed." An Irish voice sounded in Drakken's head. With those wee berney hands? huh! Dream on blue boy! He was the one with small hands! He had been clenching his hands in fear the whole time. He unclenched one hand and reached for Kim's pocket. He grabbed the laser lipstick and started cutting the chains holding Kim to the wall. As soon as she was loose she did a flip letting her land on the top of the wall and pulled Drakken up. She then grabbed the laser from him, let Ron loose and pulled him up as well.

"Good thinking, Drakken! Now quick, jump!" They all jumped down from the wall on the other side of the shark pit. An angry voice was yelling in his head.

Your'e just going to let Dementor get away with the very thing to get Shego back? You'll never see her again! And she will always think your just some stupid guy who can't do anything! Well go on! He's right there with it! Get it from him already!!!!!!!

Drakken's eyes narrowed angrily and he could feel fury building up inside of him. "Grrrraaaaaah!" He yelled out running straight at Professor Dementor.

"Drakken! What are you thinking?!" Kim yelled after him. But he couldn't hear her over the rage pounding in his ears. He tackled Dementor and all of his men started attacking Drakken. He kicked them away easily and pushed all his body weight to knock away. He grabbed Dementor to keep him steady as he swung himself to knock down five of Dementor's henchman.

"Kp, he just stepped up!"

"I know. It's weird!"

Drakken knocked down the rest of the henchmen and mere seconds before they got back up Drakken tried to grab the model away from Dementor's thick hands. Dementor tried to keep him back but he swung up a leg to kick it out of his grasp. Catching it with one hand he did a crane pose.

"Hiiii-yah!" He exclaimed as he jumped in the air and kicked him straight in the face, sending him flying into the leg of the robot.

"retreaat!" Yelled Dementor running to the giant robot the rest of his henchman followed his lead. Drakken ran after them and hit one of the henchmen in the back sending them all toppling like dominoes. They got up and continued running towards the robot which rocketed through the roof, sending part of the roof crumbling down.

Evil Brings Us Closer (My first Drakko Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now