Dirty Work - Chapter One

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A/N Okay, I'm new to this so let me know in the comments what you think. I'm going to put a Halestorm song to create a feel for each chapter but you don't have to listen to it. If you already know of them AND you ship Septiplier then your amazing!! Thanks for reading!!

"High fives all around!" I heard the distant shouting of Jack on stage with Mark, Bob and Wade. They were just finishing up so I had to quickly look busy. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and waited back stage for the boys to come out. I was lucky to get back here at Pax, otherwise this plan would have been a lot more difficult. Briefly glancing up, I caught sight of Mark descending down the steps, then Bob, then Wade, and finally Jacks green hair came into view.

I focused on the phone and continued my mindless shuffle around the room, smacking into a warm body in the process and tumbling in a heap to the ground. I slid my hand into his jacket pocket as I fell before the man could notice.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" an Irish accent greeted me. I'd fallen on my ass with my arms supporting my weight, Jack's phone hidden in my hand. I laughed reassuringly with him and he blushed faintly. "I wasn't looking. Are you okay? Man, I'm such an idiot!"

No one was paying us any attention since the other boys hadn't seen the "accident" and the crew were too busy getting ready for the next panel. This meant I only had to cover my hands from him.

"No, it's totally cool, don't worry about it," my face grew warm and shrank my frame a little as if I was shy. My retreating body covered the phone so I could quickly get the back open and slide the chip in. My hands started to tremble when he grinned nervously back, making it harder to fit in the rectangle. God, he was gorgeous.

There! I snapped out of it when the card went in just in time for him to reach down and offer his hand to me. I kindly allowed him to pull me off the floor and gave him a weak laugh.

"Thanks," I mumbled, keeping eye contact while I slid his phone back into his pocket. Luckily, he was wearing a loose jacket so couldn't feel the movement. We stood for a moment and stared before he blushed deeper and looked away, grinning.

"If it's okay to ask, who are you here with?" Jack fumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. It was so cute. I almost wanted to back out from the deal. Stop it! I scalded myself. I'm a professional so I shouldn't get involved with the middle man. It's not like he's the one I have to kill.

"Oh, my friend works with Mark sometimes at events and she needed a ride, so...... here I am! And I'm gonna take a guess and say you must be JackSepticEye?" I had to at least make it look like my internet history wasn't full of his name. Ever since I'd got the order from that weird lady, I'd been researching him so I wouldn't go in completely blind. Even Demon Hunters need help now and then.

His face grew a darker shade of red and his eyes flittered away before returning to me. Damnit, even that was attractive. "Yeah, haha, you never really get used to people recognising you. So, you normally come to places like these?" Jack was really chatty. I hope his brother doesn't have these social skills, it makes them harder to assassinate when they have a personality other than "murder".

I maintained politeness and continued to talk to him until Mark wondered back out to find Jack. He spotted us and sauntered over, grinning like an idiot when he got a better look at me.

"Hey, Jack, we were wondering what happened to you but now I can see the distraction," he smirked. If it was anyone else, I would have decked him for being so arrogant. He was watching me like I was a rare bird that had snuck into his domain but I saw the amusement in his eyes and knew he was joking.

Mark's grin grew gentle as he held out his hand. "I see you've met our lovely potato farmer," he laughed. "I'm Mark, and you are?"

"Ashley" Jack chimed in, clearly happy to one-up his best friend. I giggled and shook his hand. "Glad to finally meet you. I've heard great things about you," I winked at Jack who glared mockingly in response. Mark smirked and took Jack's hand, raising their hands in a superhero pose and shouting "Septiplier Away!"

I chuckled at them and looked at the time on my phone, pretending to look startled. "Shit! Sorry guys, but I have to go. It was really great to meet you. Really. Thank you so much!" I turn and jogged away, giving them a wave goodbye. It may not be the last time I see them but its defiantly the last time they'll see me.

Quickly moving out the building and into the private parking lot outside, I unlocked my car and hoped in. I activated the chip and within seconds it told me that Jack was 2 meters away from my vehicle. Startled, I looked out the window to see him jogging up to me. I rolled down the window and hid my phone. He grinned when he reached me and handed me a small piece of paper before running back inside. I slowly opened the note to see a phone number scrawled across the bottom. I smirked to myself before safely tucking it in my bag and driving off.

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