Hate It When You See Me Cry - Chapter Eight

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My back flattened against the wall and my breathing hitched. This was not the way it was supposed to go. I hadn't heard him walking around outside the room so my opportunity for surprising him was gone. Since I hadn't been tied up, I was planning to hide behind the door until someone came in the room but no chance was that happening now. I'm stuck.

I gaped at him, taking in his septiceye and his deep blue eye that looked exactly like Jack's. His skin was a little paler and his face had sunk a little further into his face than in the picture I saw on the phone. They almost could have been twins if one of them wasn't a crime against nature. I'd already seen enough evidence to prove that this man deserved what I was going to do to him, the complete opposite of Jack. Anti was quite lean and generally stood taller as if he owned the room. Well, technically he did. He had me locked in it.

And I needed a strategy to get out. He grinned down at me, eyes raking over my exposed skin, most of which was more visible in my crouching position. I blushed and stretched the material as far as I could, causing him to search my eyes instead.

He smirked at my modesty, making my cheeks to go a deeper shade of red. I used this uncertainty to my advantage, putting a slight stutter into my speech. "D-did you c-change my clothes?" I whimpered.

Anti's lips twitched, clearly trying to hold back his arrogant smile. "I had to." He said simply.

"You had to?" I repeated. "Christ! What do you want? Are you gonna...?" I plastered a frown onto my face and shrank my body as if I was scared of him. I'd seen enough horror movie where young girls get kidnapped to mimic this fear in an Oscar worthy performance.

He barked with laughter, causing me to flinch as the sound rang through the room. My god, could this get any creepier? "No, I want you to be completely awake when we do that. It seems you didn't like the smell of the clothe, though, because you vomited over yourself," he grinned. Well, even to a sadistic freak like him, I was still embarrassed. "So yes, I gave you something that won't stink up my room, meaning I had to change you." Great.

Anti's humour seemed to leave him and his eyes bore into mine. "I think you know what I want: the truth. You have one chance. What are you doing in my house?" his whole form towered over me, making him look much more intimidating.

"I – uh, I thought this was Jack's house? He never said he had a brother so I used the spare key he gave me to get the jumper I left here last week. I-I'm sorry if I frightened you, I didn't know anyone was home so I snooped around since my hoodie wasn't on the sofa anymore." I hastily scrambled to my feet. "I'll just go." I quickly made towards the door as if I was embarrassed.

An arm snapped in front of the doorway, blocking my path. "How far around this house did you look? I'll help you find it." Shit! It was more of a demand than a question and I can't keep him running around in circles for long.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm sorry to take up so much of your time anyway and I don't feel too good. I'm just gonna head home..." Anti didn't move his arm. I started babbling, needing him to believe me. "Look, I'm really freaked out and scared and I just want to go home so can you please move because you fucking drugged me and– "

"I said I'd help you look. What colour was it?" He stared into my eyes until I complied by looking back at him.

My face a chilled mask compared to my insides "Purple," I sighed. Crap, crap, crap! My heart rammed into my chest with each ecstatic beat. Mabey when he leaves I can crawl out the window. This was before I remembered that I hadn't seen one on the way in, meaning there was no window. Was this guy a freaking vampire or something if this was his room?

Anti took hold of the door handle again and nodded. I reflectively backed up, away from the opening, when he took a quick step towards me. He leaned his head closer, green hair brushing against his long eyelashes. My throat closed with nerves and I froze, my muscles beginning to throb as they tensed. He seemed to burrow into my skin with that look, making me feel as if everything about me was written on my eyes. They began to sting as I wasn't blinking. As I rapidly tried to bring water back to them, Anti smiled and stepped backwards out the doorway.

Before I could follow to escape, he spoke in a deep voice. "If you lie to me again, I'll have to think of something a lot worse to do to you than I've already decided on doing. You better get comfortable here until I get back." He shut the door and the lock snapped shut from the outside.

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