Pieces Of Change - Chapter Twenty Two

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Dark's eyes were a deep red as he seethed at me, his chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. Some of Anti's blood had smeared on his cheek as his sharp teeth pressed into his bottom lip. His snake tongue darted over his raised hand so the last of it could dripple into his mouth. His frame seemed to expand at this, making him look more intimidating compared to my frail, frozen form in front of him. There was no blood on his clothes but it could have just been hard to see as he was dressed in all black again. The thick smoke clogged the room and licked at Anti's body, threatening to consume him like it could drag them both down to hell.

I felt all the colour leave my cheeks as I stared at his twitching form on the ground. He had wrapped his arms around his soaked chest and was curled as small as he could get. It was as if he was willing himself to either disappear or die. Both was probably better than staying here.

I couldn't look at Anti's quivering form anymore without my legs mechanically rushing towards him. a high-pitched whine broke through my lips as I ran at him before an inhuman force threw me into the opposite wall, knocking all the air out of my lungs. Black tentacles bound my waist, crushing me into the bricks so that I wasn't sure what would collapse first, the plaster or my ribs. I gagged on my scream and clenched my hands around the black smoke that held me captive. Dark grinned as I failed to push his mist away. This was almost insane, the strongest part of him being see-through but immovable.

I wanted to bear my own teeth back at him as I struggled, feeling the anguish soak through me. Why the fuck did he stab Anti?

I couldn't care anymore about the pain squeezed through me as all I could see was red, focusing on the sickening sight of the innocent man now reduced to a crumpled heap too far away for me to reach. And the demon standing between us.

Dark's icy glare never withered from me while I was pinned to the wall and now it grew even deeper. He stepped closer to me, the black mist clinging to him while holding me helpless against the wall. I couldn't move and could only stare back as he made his way towards me. I thrashed with everything I had but didn't budge an inch. Suddenly, he was standing in front of me, his dead eyes staring into mine.

I don't know how, but it registered on my brain that this was my last stand and all the fear left me. My pulse slowed, my breathing deepened and my eyes stared back with as much intensity. All my aching muscles relaxed which eased the pressure on my bones, dulling the pain. Every part on me stopped resisting and embraced what was about to happen. I wasn't going down begging for my life. My heart swelled with the only thing I had left; anger.

Dark regarded me for a moment before leaning close. I felt the smoke coil around my neck and force my head to the side so he could whisper in my ear. Each purse of his lips brushed against my lobe and sent cold breath over my exposed skin.

"I did warn you, Mr Sparks"

A scream shattered though my body and past my lips as hot liquid shot into my womb. It was dragged in my navel and sliced through my stomach before cutting up between my breasts. It yanked on my organs as Dark peeled back my raw skin with this one stroke of his blade into me that ripped away my life. When he roughly wretched the weapon back, my body tumbled to the floor and the black mist retreated against him.

His eyes continued to glow as he turned his back to me and moved over to Anti sobbing and shrieking on the ground. Dark's face became stone despite the blood splattered over his December skin as he stared down the other demon. There was a small silence as they both regarded each other, Anti withering at his feet. I saw his septieye radiate a deep green and for a moment the pain stopped.

"This'll happen every time you disobey me, my pet. You can't leave. Ever." I was totally numb until Dark spoke, sending ice through me to overpower the boiling sound of my weak heart.

I was still alive. I was still alive as my fiery blood boiled over my skin, my chest and dripped across my eyelids so my vision swelled. I was just able to make out the other body in the room, my eyes watering at the sight of him shifting, crawling across the floor towards my still shape. I was still alive to feel Anti drape himself over me so that the lifeblood pooled from his neck and ran down my throat. I gagged slightly which caused me to choke on the liquid. I tried to call out to him but my body was shutting down.

I was still alive to feel Anti's body being ripped away from me and hear Dark's scream of anguish before everything fell away.

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