The Reckoning - Chapter Fourteen

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Anti's head snapped up, all the fog leaving his eyes before he looked down at me. I stayed frozen, my eyes wide. My pulse sped up. I knew it – Jack came for me. He's going to get me out.

Anti could probably smell my relief or something because he reached into the bedside cabinet and drew out a gag ball. You've got to be fucking kidding me. This guy was prepared for everything and I don't even want to know why he has it in the first place. He proceeded to lock it around my jaw and choke any speech before looping rope around my wrists so they were bound to the headboard. He left the room, of course locking the door on the way out.

"Hey, anyone here?" Jack was calling up the stairs now. "Did you light a fire? And why is all the pizza gone?!?"

I tried to stand when I realised my lags were tied to the bed posts. I instinctively yanked them into my chest, causing searing pain to shoot through my vain. They were so tight that my legs had gone numb and I couldn't feel them before. I struggled against them, almost screaming when they wouldn't even budge but the gag stopped me. I need to alert Jack!

Tears start to pour from my eyes which is why I questioned myself when I saw Dark standing in the corner of the room. I sniffled and tried to focus. His eyes glowed a deep red as he watched me writher uncontrollably in the sheets. I saw black smoke fan around him in the dull light created from the lamp in the corner of the room.

"I warned you," a familiar voice whispered. Darks demonic voice wrapped around me and I sobbed harder, knowing that he was right: he had warned me. Now he wasn't going to help. He even spoke in a hushed tone so that only I could hear him, meaning he had no intention for anyone else to be aware that he was here.

"Please" I tried to mumble around the gag. I have no idea if he heard me or not but he didn't move. He just stayed in the corner and watched me. I flopped my head back on the pillows, growing tired from all my fear. My head rolled to the side as I grew tired and I screamed when Dark's face was an inch away from mine. He was crouched beside the bed, crimson eyes staring into mine so that I couldn't look away. They seemed to glow deeper as they locked onto me.

"Now look what you've done," he hissed before disappearing into black mist. I bit down on the gaga in my mouth to control the tears. I was never getting out of this place. Did Dark mean that Anti was going to kill Jack? I've killed the poor guy because of my own selfishness that got him caught in the middle. Or he could keep Jack alive and just torture him along with me until he gets bored. There are so many sick things that he could do. I'm just hoping that he doesn't get lonely and decide to keep us. If a human swallows a demon's blood, their body is consumed by the virus and they develop their own alter egos that controls the body. Crap, were in so much danger if that's what Anti decides.

My heart hammers and I suffer through another panic attack at the thought. I can't be stuck here, with him, forever. I can't. oh god, be careful Jack!

I strain my ears to listen for any noise downstairs but it's very distant. Too faint for me to here whilst their down there. After what feels like hours but was really only a few minutes, the stairs creak and the voices become coherent.

Jack's Irish accent was coming up to right outside the bedroom door. I sighed with relief when it was clear that he was okay. "right, you still haven't answered the question: why the fuck would there be police at your place, Bro?" The fact that he called him Bro made me want to rip off the gag and shout even more but it was so tight that I couldn't utter a sound.

"I made a bit of a mess is all," Anti mumbled. Wow, he actually sounded embarrassed.

"What kind of mess?" Jack's voice was gentle but held an undertone of warning.

There was no response for a moment and I thought for a moment I hadn't heard him but he spoke after a pause. "I'm only allowed one for my own, Jack, and she's the one that hurt me the most out of everything. I had to do it. If she doesn't want to be with me then she can be with him all she wants. I gave her his body." Anti sounded mad. What's he talking about?

".....Christ," Jack whispered. "I'm sorry, man, but have you been drinking?" Jacks voice faded as I heard footsteps go further down the hall. I wriggled on the bed, trying to make noise as I needed him to come back. All he had to do was open the damn door!

I struggle to think of a plan. I need to figure this out so I can escape. I have to get Jack's attention because Anti hadn't hurt him. Yet.

A few moments passed and I started to drift off. I was hovering in limbo when Anti came back in, shocking me fully awake in the process. I stayed still so he would think I was asleep which was very difficult considering the ropes and gag was digging into my flesh. He stood at the edge of the bed for a moment and I could feel his eyes on me. My heart hammered in my shaky chest. I couldn't here Jack anymore but prayed he would come back.

I felt clasp on the gag being undone and released the pressure on my mouth. I reflectively opened my jaw to stretch out my sore skin. Anti didn't notice but my eyes opened lightly to see him through my lashes. His green hair hung in front of his face and he put the gag back into the draw. I noticed his eyes was slightly red and puffy. I quickly shut my eyes when he straightened and turned back to me. The bed sank a little under Anti's weight as he crawls into the sheets with me, wrapping his arm around my frail body and dragging me against him. after a moment, he untied the rope around my wrists and pulled me in closer into a tighter grip. His warmth seeped through his shirt and my breathing quickened but he didn't do anything. All I felt was a small peck on the cheek before he slumped into the sheets and didn't stir.

What he didn't realise was that he forgot to lock the bedroom door.         

Love Bites (But So Do I) Antisepticeye x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin