Better Sorry Than Safe - Chapter Fifteen

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Anti was out like a light. I stayed perfectly still for a few moments before even attempting to move. His breathing was slow and I watched him for what felt like hours, terrified of losing my one shot. When he didn't stir, I slowly adjusted myself in his tight grip to free my waist. His arms dropped limply onto the sheets and I was able to creep off the edge of the bed without making a sound.

I took a few hesitant steps to the door, my eyes darting to his sleeping figure with each breathe. When I finally reached the handle, I grasped it with both hands, determined to muffle any noise it made and slid it open. I can't express how good it felt to be able to step outside that door.

I hurry down the corridor on the balls of my feet, my body recoiling at each creek of the floorboards. When I finally make it down the stairs, I move into the sitting room Anti had brought me to earlier. It was back to its normal state with all the objects Anti had removed back in their place. I rummaged through all the draws and cabinets, suspecting that my knife had been put in here so I couldn't get it before. I searched as fast as I could but was still unable to see it. Fuck sake, I need that knife to kill him.

After everything this guy has put me through, I'm not skipping out of this opportunity. At the moment, he's sleeping, alone and weak. This is my chance to do what I came here for and slit his throat. But first I need the knife that he took. When I couldn't find it in the living room, I switched to the kitchen. I could use any of the blades in here but I need mine. I've used it for every other demon I've assassinated and it should be the same for this one. I don't want it to feel like he got the better of me. By killing him with my knife, I know he's no different to anyone else of his kind.

I never found it and he was going to wake up soon. I have to go now or I won't have another chance. I can always come back to kill him. It's not like he can hide in here forever and when he does leave l can search again. And then I'll kill him. I was raging in my head about the theft when I remembered Jack. Shit, I can't leave him here. When Anti wakes up to find that I've escaped, he'll be livid. Given the state he was in tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned on his brother and hurt him.

I'm not leaving Jack here. I shuffle back up the stairs, raking my mind for how I can get him out safely. I'll wake him up by covering his mouth so he won't make any noise that can alert Anti. We can sneak out and call the police. Anti will be too drunk to fight them and be put behind bars. Death would be too good for him anyway, better to let him rot.

Each creak the stairs makes pushes me closer to running but I restrain myself. I have to play this smart and get Jack out. My heart is beating so fast that my vision is blurry and I'm afraid Anti may be able to hear it. He could come crushing through that door and drag me back at any moment. My eyes strain onto the door, keeping watch for any movement.

I stop when I hear the sobbing coming from the end of the hall. Shit, he may already be up. The noises were a little faint though, as it was muffled from something. I moved closer, fearing Anti may have Jack in there. I press my ear to the door and strain my ears. The crying continues, sounding like hiccups coming from inside the room. Curiosity got the better of me and I peered through the door.

Anti was curled into a ball, thin tears sliding down his cheeks. In the dim light, I could see he was still asleep as his face was screwed up as he sobbed. His fingers were curled into a fist around the sheets as he withered. There was no one else in the room and it seemed like he hadn't woken up since I'd left but was scrunching his body to take up as little room as possible. I almost felt sorry for the demon in such agony. It made me wonder what could reduce him to this state. As the whimpering continues, I think about the past few days.

It was this point that I realise he had actually never hurt me. He'd provided food and drink along with drawing equipment to keep me busy. Even when I refused to drink, he still made sure I had some. He even let me down for a freaking movie as well! I'd expected someone like him to at least raise his hand against me but he hadn't lifted a finger the whole time. Mabey he was just lonely or something and wanted a pet.

Fuck, now I'm just being sappy.

In my deep thoughts, I hadn't noticed him starting to stir. Anti was waking up. I didn't think, I just did what was going to keep me alive for the moment. I clicked the door shut and hurriedly slid back into bed with him. I guided his arm back over my waist and shrank back into his warmth. There wasn't much logic to it but I knew that if I ran, he would only catch me. Then I'd be in for a world of hurt. Besides, there was no time to get Jack out as well and I couldn't endanger his life like that.

I'll get another chance to escape; I have to and I'll bring Jack with me.

I stayed in Anti's arms until he woke up.


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