Love Bites, But So Do I - Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Ashley, you need to wake up soon"


"I know your very tired and confused. Your starting to get all your senses back now and it's going to hurt. A lot. You need to understand, Ashley, that your safe."


"I can see your eyelids twitching. It's okay to open them - your home."


"I need you to wake up now"

I moaned as a dull throb pulsed through my head. My eyebrows drew in together as I weakly recoiled from the slow dripping on my forehead.

"That's good. You're doing really good. Now carefully try to open your eyes."

I recognised that voice. The thick Irish accent sent a searing sense of hope through me so I pried my eyes open. I involuntarily winced in protest at the light. Even though it was only a slight orange glow, it covered my vision and I wanted to go back to sleep immediately. Hide back in the sheets and never come out. It took everything I had to pin point that the voice was coming from the chair next to me and that I was lying on a bad with black sheets. Through the warm glow, I focused on the man's green hair and my vision began to swim in and out.

"Anti?" I whimpered. My throat was raw and my lips chapped. I felt a soft cloth run over them to apply some water, making my breathing a little easier. A little more was dripped over my forehead before it was pulled away and my body allowed to soak in the moisture.

There was a moment of silence before the voice spoke again. "I'm sorry, Ashley. He's gone and your hurt. I'm going to help you get better but you can't go back. Neither of us can."

I sunk back into the sheets, my mind numb as I remembered what happened. If I had the fluid to spare, I would have cried.

I swallowed. "So what happens now?"

Jack's voice was raspy as he spoke, has gentle hand comforting over my arm. "If there's anything of Ashley left within you, you're going to help me get my brother back. I'm going to look after you until your back to health. Don't worry about your new diet, I'll find a way to provide for that. Your still young so you'll need me here." He swallowed "And when your better, you going to kill Dark."

I stared at Jack, all feelings of sickness gone as I realised he was serious. All I could do was nod in agreement and he relaxed in his chair a little. His eyes were unreadable while his gazed cast down to the floor of the wooden cabin. I have no idea how he found it but I'm glad he did. The soft heat from the fireplace was comforting as I took in my situation.

The stab wounds Dark inflicted in me where healing and I was still alive. Anti gave me his blood; I'm a demon now, just like them. Just like the monsters I've been trying to get rid of half my life. For whatever reason, Dark has taken Anti, and now I need to get him back.

Love really does bite, but now, so do I.

Love Bites (But So Do I) Antisepticeye x readerWhere stories live. Discover now