I Miss The Misery - Chapter Twenty

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I was sat in the meeting room at A.C.I.D which currently wasn't being used. My brunette hair was lighter back then and I often wore it in a ponytail. I was perched on the edge of the table, surrounded by various files on all the demons created. The other scientists were talking through one of the cases in a slight panic. I'm not sure exactly but it felt very tense.

At this point, I was confused as to the seriousness of the room. My dad wasn't here; he'd been called away to an emergency down stairs. He told me to stay in this room, so I didn't move when the alarm went off. The rapid screeching of the system sent everyone scrambling for the door, no one paying any attention to me. All the staff left and rushed out the nearest door, a few grabbing bags or folders before exciting. The lights snapped off, leaving only the dull green glow flashing from the end of the hall. I sat frozen in my seat, my heart slamming in my chest as I prayed for my dad to come back.

I didn't know he never would.

The alarm continued wailing as all other noises from the building faltered. The walls and flooring was constructed so thickly that it was impossible to hear the screams from downstairs. No doors opened and there were no windows in the underground bunkers. My father was down there, along with the others, when dark shadows ran past the glass doors to the meeting room I was in. They didn't pause, just kept running. Some had glowing eyes, each different colours, too many of them to count. They all hurried to the doors, scrambling past each other. I heard a loud crash of metal, like the whole door was ripped from its seams. There was scraping across the paint and flickers of material sliding across the glass. I couldn't move, especially when one of the faces turned towards me. The neon green eye locked on my, the other faintly radiating a pale blue. They stared at me for a moment. I wasn't sure if they could see me at first but they didn't move. I felt like the glass would shatter from the intensity, knowing that I wasn't safe. I'd never seen a demon before but I knew immediately what they were. A loud shout came from behind the figure, sounding oddly female but very inhuman. It turned towards the sound, acknowledging her and passed some form of communication. I couldn't see the woman's eyes as they didn't glow but I saw her shadow step closer to the glass. She regarded me for a moment before evaporating. The man with the green eyes ran down the hallway, following the others and escaping the cage that was A.C.I.D.

I had no idea what to do. My legs felt like jelly and my head felt fuzzy. I don't know if she walked in or just appeared, but suddenly a female demon was standing next to me. I trembled where I sat, terrified of the slight woman. My eyes weren't adjusted to the dim light so I couldn't see her features. I hadn't been able to see through the glass, but the demon from outside had faint orange eyes that seemed to grow the more she looked at me. It was as if her pupils were on fire.

"Your too young," she whispered to me, her voice crackling like flames. A deep Irish voice rang through the room, calling out "Amber", the woman snapping towards the sound before taking hold of my wrist. I blinked at her. The next thing I knew, I was flat on the ground outside A.C.I.D's headquarters, the gravel pressing into my soft skin as I watched fire consume the building to my right. I rolled to the side, my head heavy from the sight and took in the image of the hot fury build from the base of the building all the way to the top. It was all gone by the time the fire brigade get there. My family was gone by the time the fire brigade got there.

I snapped awake, jerking myself upright. A blast of cold air swept over me as the covers tumbled to my waist and my chest was left bare. I was coated in sweat and panting heavily, taking a moment to collect myself. The dream was so vivid that it felt real.

I briefly remembered the night before and looked to my side to see Anti prying his eyes open. The covers had been pushed to the bottom of the bed in my panic so I had probably startled him. He blinked a couples of times to clear the sleep and sat up. He slouched next to me and watched me from under his lashes. His green and blue eyes peering curiously while I shivered.

"What's wrong, lass?" he asked and placed an arm across my shoulders. I thought the move was a little bold at first but I realised he was trying to keep me warm. I leaned into him and stared at the door for a while. I didn't cry but I couldn't stop the stinging in my chest.

I couldn't shake the man from the dream out of my head.

After a while we finally pulled apart and a thought popped into my head when I remembered my family. I haven't messaged my mum for a couple days so she's probably hit the roof. I know I'm old enough to be independent but after my dad died, she frets a lot more.

I cleared my throat, "Anti, where's my phone?"

He froze, a worried look crossing his face before it disappeared and he smiled weakly. "Sure" he spoke worriedly. He reached into his pocket and clasped a small brass key between his thumb and forefinger. It unlocked the bedside cabinet and Anti handed me my phone.

I grasped it quickly and switched it on, seeing I had 13 missed calls from my mother. Shit.

I tried to call her back but she didn't answer. I grew worried when I didn't see a voicemail either since she always leaves one if I couldn't take her call. She hadn't messaged me so something was clearly wrong. After a few more minutes without a word for her I began to panic.

I know there wasn't much to go on but I just knew something wasn't right. If I couldn't get a hold of her, I need to go to her. Within an hour, Anti had helped me book a flight to home. He didn't say much or question what I was doing, just helped with a blank face. I frequently wondered what was on his mind but I kept getting distracted by the ideas racing through my brain about my mum.

Jack came downstairs after a while, smiled at us both and continued into the kitchen as if nothing happened last night. I guess Anti's mind fuck really did a number on him. He helped us pack since Anti wanted to come too. I didn't question it; I was kind of glad he would stay with me. I could use the extra muscle.

We spent the whole afternoon watching shitty movies until we finally fell asleep on the sofa. By morning, we were ready to leave. 

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