Love/Hate Heartbreak - Chapter Twenty Two

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It had been a very long flight but we made it. Anti drove us to my mother's house since I was so tired. He remained silent and comforting but wouldn't let me leave his sight. Every now and then, he would brush his hand against my lag as he shifted gears, sometimes glancing at me before turning back to the road.

I just stared out the window and thought about my mum. She hadn't been the same since dad died in the fire but not in a bad way. She protects the little things she had left in life, including me. She took over the house and fulfilled the role of both parent's, even though she wasn't halfway to even being just a mother before. It changed us both but in a sense that the two of us completed all the family we needed. Of course, I miss my dad, but I see him in my mum every day.

I was thinking about how much she had done for me over the years when we finally made it to her house. The drive had felt like days but it had only been a few hours. My old house looked the same as I remembered it; cream outside with a thin iron gate enclosing the little cottage. The garden was well kempt with flourishing lavender and rhododendron plants situated in the front. The small patch of grass had recently been cut back and I could already smell the soft musk it created. All the curtains had been closed so I couldn't see anyone inside, nor any lights on. She could just be asleep?

But something really didn't feel right.

Anti watched me take in the sight of my house again and seemed to be deep in thought, unsure what to do. He nervously tapped the tips of his fingers against his knee and his leg shook slightly. I'm guessing he wasn't very patient. His septic eye was slightly glowing still in the dying sunlight that snuck over the chimney and beamed onto his car. It was kind of bright so I shuffled to the side since I could see better. When the sun was no longer in my eyes, I could see him clearly. He had his bottom lip sucked in slightly in and seemed to be biting it with his sharp teeth. His eyebrows pulled together slightly to show a little frown, his face was almost readable but I couldn't quite figure out what was bothering him.

A small wave of sympathy spread through me and I suddenly wanted to comfort this demon. I don't know exactly where the confidence came from but I leant over the console that separated us and lightly pecked him on the lips. I was about to pull away when he held my face and urged me closer. We kissed for a little while before I realised I was practically crawling onto his lap. I shakily moved away and sat back in my seat. He smiled sweetly, his eye radiating a neon green, and rested his arms on the wheel.

I finally spoke when I remembered why we were here. "Stay here for a minute, I won't be long" I quickly got out and jogged up to the front door, barely registering the sad nod he gave in response. I didn't want to leave him but I had to check on my mother.

I unlocked the door which was thankfully intact to show we hadn't been broken into. House also looked exactly the same, with no broken furniture or smashed glass. My mind raked through all the gruesome scenes of my mum lying on the floor with her spleen hanging out. I searched the whole cottage, in every room, but I couldn't find her. Maybe she had just gone out or was on her way back home. A little relieved that there was no sign of a break in, I decided to walk back to the front door.

Only this time, when I passed the sitting room, Anti was lying on the floor, crimson pooling beneath him as his body twitched in pain. I involuntarily screamed and stepped towards him to see a horrifying slit had been dragged vertically down the artery in his neck. His eyes were wide as the blood stained him and he started up at me in shock. His lips parted slightly as he tried to speak but choked when he tried to drag in some breath.

Behind him, a black mist curled and whipped around Dark dropping a razor sharp blade to the floor.  

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