Tell Me Where It Hurts - Chapter Nineteen

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Jack and I were still on the sofa when Anti walked back in. He noticed me immediately and froze. I stared back, waiting to see what he would do. Jack darted his eyes from me to his brother and back again.

You could have cut the silence with a knife. It wasn't until Jack turned off the game that Anti finally spoke up. "You must have more balls than brains," he smirked. My face was stone as I glared at him from over the back of the sofa. He shrugged at my lack of response and continued into the kitchen. Jack gave glanced at me before following him. I reluctantly went too in case Anti got any ideas. I stumbled and struggled to regain my balance since I'd been sat down for so long and the alcohol was making its way through my head. My eyes were only a little hazy but still couldn't focus.

He was grabbing a beer from the fridge when we walked in. Jack came into the room and lent against the kitchen surface, looking completely calm, even though he kept a wary eye on me. I stood upright in the door way, waiting for my chance. Anti ignored us, taking a huge gulp of his drink and slumping into the nearest chair.

"Anti..." Jack's voice was monotone but I could see in his eyes that he was nervous; he knows his brother isn't safe. This I why I need to get him out of here.

The psychopath looked up but didn't acknowledge his brother, only locked his eyes onto me. He raised an eyebrow, "Did you tell him about your little secret? I'm sure he'd love to know exactly what you're doing here in the first place." My eyes widened slightly and he clicked his tongue, confirming everything I need to know.

"Huh?" Jack made a confused look at me and I felt my heart leap; I couldn't let him know why I stayed and risk him trying to stop me. "Ashely, what's he talking about?"

Anti sighed and turned to face him, septiceye glowing a radioactive green as they locked eyes. "Jack, leave. Now." I trembled when his voice came as a whisper but echoes with undercurrents of different voices, the main being a deep man's that shook with authority.

Jack immediately left without another word and I heard the front door slam. Jack left me. Even when he promised he wouldn't. Every fibre of my body suddenly screamed to run and I started to back out of the room quickly. I don't know what happened but one minute, Anti was sitting in the chair sipping his beer, the next he was standing in front of me, faces inches apart and eyes still glowing. A firm grip suddenly pinched my arm and I felt myself being pulled closer. "Where are you going? We're not finished yet," he cooed. Fear drenched my body but my mind was so foggy I couldn't think rationally. I stood a little straighter and placed my palm over the hand holding me captive. I didn't fight him but I didn't move any closer.

I felt myself being dragged over to the chair and forced to sit. My head throbbed and I twitched under the pressure, feeling my knife dig into my side. I'd found it earlier when I was searching for the bathroom but snuck into the old room while Jack was distracted with the game. It had been in the bedside cabinet all this time.

Anti sat back down and addressed me. "Let's just cut the crap, I know why you stayed. You kill me, collect the reward and move on with your life. It's what you came here for and its why you have your knife back in your pocket now. That right, I know you have it again, no need to look shocked. I thought you would take your chance and leave given half the chance but I guess I misjudged you. You're a lot tougher than I thought, I'm impressed. So, I'm going to sit here and let you finish." He sipped his beer when he finished and regarded me carefully.

I blinked. Let me finish? I struggled for a moment to understand what he was saying and needed to gather my head.

"You... you want me to kill you," I gaped at him, staring dumbfounded.

"Yeah," he shrugged.

I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't think of what to say and closed it again. I've never come across a demon who wanted me to assassinate them - they're a very dangerous breed who live to create suffering. None of them wanted to die. What makes this one different?

He had his heart broken.

I thought back to how Jack said his girlfriend cheated on him, how he'd been really angry and upset. He was crying in his sleep one night; not even aware he was doing it. I remember when he went our drinking and came back, forcing me to drink so I wouldn't die. So I wouldn't leave him either.

A wave of sympathy for this man swept over me. Being a little drunk may have affected my decision to slide my hands onto his across the table. Surprisingly, they were really warm. His eyes softened a little, looking dull and melancholy.

"I've never seen a demon hypnotise someone before," I said carefully.

His lips twitched into a faint smile. "He's been on my back ever since I moved to Ireland. I had to make him leave us so I could talk to you alone. He doesn't need to see this."

A silence settled over us as he trailed off in thought. I decided to brake it and finally get some answers, even though it was risky. "Why?" I asked cautiously.

When he didn't respond, I spoke more firmly. "Anti," he looked up. "Who was she?"

He glanced away as he spoke, like he couldn't look me in the eyes. "We were together for a few years. My whole life was dedicated to protecting her and being there when she needed me. When I caught her with our neighbour, I just couldn't take it." He hesitated before continuing, "I cut him. A lot. I took out his heart because she stole mine and I ripped off two of her fingers so she couldn't even look after herself once I left. I wanted her to be alone, like she left me." That explains the fingers stuffed on the heart valve I saw in the fridge. "Obviously, I had to move after that so I came here since I know Jack would never turn me down. He's a great kid." He looked back at me sadly, "I'll miss him."

I lowered my eyes to our entwined hands and let out a slow breath, my heart swollen in my chest. I knew there was more to the story but I didn't want to push. This guy was clearly in pain and ready for it all to end. He was sugar coating the inevitable to show me he was certain he wanted to go.

It was then that I knew I couldn't kill this man. He'd never hurt me and I can see now that he never will. I locked eyes with his unusual blue and green ones, seeing all the pain laced within them. I know he's given up on himself but what if I don't?

I squeezed his hands and shuffled closer. "Mabey we both need someone to take care of us." I don't know if it was the alcohol, my own mind or both making me do this, but I lent in and gently kissed his lips. He froze under my touch but slowly relaxed after a moment and kissed back. I pressed harder onto his mouth, leaning into him so that his hands came up to hold me to prevent me falling on him. I gripped his shoulders to pull him closer and unintentionally moaned. He gasped, causing his lips to part and allowing me to explore further. His arms wrapped around my waist and locked into a tight grip. I know he was stopping me from abandoning him but I wanted this protectiveness from someone. I wanted to be taken care of for once.

I arched my back as I climbed onto his lap, placing my knees each side of his thighs. We both pulled on each other, his own hands tangling in my hair as he tugged my body closer. I quickly pulled away to suck in a ragged breath and collect myself. My heart was racing and my whole body pulsed with the need to feel him. I carefully wriggles my hips against him and I leaned in again. Our lips locked for a moment longer as I realised I could feel Anti through his jeans.

He suddenly pulled away, holding my face away from his so he could look at me. "Your drunk," he stated.

"Yeah, so?" I growled, a little frustrated.

He smiled and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "So, I want you to be completely sober when we do this. I want you to know who your fucking." His deliberate use of crude language made me tremble on top of him and his grin widened as he pulled away. "C'mon, you need to rest." Anti held my hand as he led me up to the room he'd held me captive in. I wasn't afraid anymore so I stepped back in. I watched as he walked straight to the bed, pulled back the covers and laid down. No locks, no keys, no traps.

I smiled shyly and crawled in beside him, cuddling into the gentle warmth he provided and was asleep within minutes.

Love Bites (But So Do I) Antisepticeye x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon