What Were You Expecting? - Chapter Two

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Jack's hoodie barely protects his neon hair from the rain as he runs into the house with Mark, both boys already soaked as soon as they had left their car. They laugh as Mark inserts the key and tumbles through the door, shaking off water drops over each other. I listen to the rain slam against my window as I watch the boys. They enter the Mark's house and disappear from view after closing the door.  

My car is inconspicuously parked on the curb so I'm practically invisible. I sip my fresh coffee as I note down the time. This customer had been very specific in her order, wanting me to log every detail of the chase and catch. Whatever this Anti guy had done, he must have really pissed this lady off for her to be in such a bloodthirsty state.

Shacking my head with a sigh, I snap a few pictures of the house and garden while the street is still empty. The rain casts a beautiful glow that makes me almost want to go out and enjoy the raw air. I could have been a photographer instead of this. But, you stick to what you know, and I'm good at my job since my Dad taught me. An upstairs light switches on and Jack walks into my line of sight in the illuminated window. Instinctively, I duck down before realising there is no possible way he can see me.

Wow, I've never had nerves on a hunt before.

My body shakes slightly as I take in his profile, my coffee casting off a thick steam that fogs up the car's glass slightly. I smear it away to see him stare over the front garden of Mark's house, seeming in a daze. His hands were placed against the window ledge as he leaned against the wooden panel. His jaw was nowhere near as square as Mark's but was set in a relaxed pose, exaggerating his growing stubble. His pale lips curved up slightly as he listened to the rain, his clear eyes following the heavy droplets. I could see his shallow breathes condensing on the glass, my own seeming to plume in front of my face due to the cold.

My eyes start to sting and I realise I haven't been blinking. I rapidly blink to bring the water back to my burning eyes but by the time I look at the window again, Jack has gone and the curtains are closed.

I shake myself out of my daze and turn the ignition on, peeling my vehicle away from its hiding spot and drive to my hotel. The rainfall creates a mellow undertone to my thoughts so that I arrive at my room faster than expected. I flop down onto the covers and bury my face into my hands.

I'm still in my clothes, my phone and Jack's note tucked into my pocket. I've set the chip so that my phone alerts me when Jack leaves the house, meaning I have at least a few hours to myself. I'm so tired that I just grab a sandwich from the tiny kitchen in my hotel room and cocoon myself in the covers, allowing the weather to lull me to sleep.

I wake up to the rapid beeping from my phone, stating that Jack was now moving pretty fast on the freeway, meaning he was in a car, probably with Mark. The bed sheets were radiating my own body heat back to me that I almost didn't want to move. But this could be my chance.

I tumble out of bed and scrape my hair back into a ponytail. I quickly glance at my reflection. My eyes had developed that glow again that I normally get on assassination missions, illuminating the rest of my pale face so that I look a little more alive. My hair had regained its bounce so that it framed my face and neck. The contrast between my intensified since I booked the flight to Los Angeles so I feel whole again. My lips were pouting naturally while I took in my appearance and my frame had become slimmer, showing off my curves. I smile slightly before grabbing my equipment and jogging to my car.

I drive slowly so I don't draw attention and keep to the back roads. I throw in my favourite album to calm my jittering nerves and make the drive go fasted. The familiar lyrics slow my heartbeat so that I can think clearly.

By the time I've made it to Mark's house, I'm completely calm, which is enough to skilfully insert the lock pick into the keyhole while the tracker disables the house alarms. The gate surrounding the property had motion sensors. Id almost set them off before I noticed the pulsing light in the woodwork. Obviously, Mark has trust issues if this is the layers of protection he keeps over his home. Still, it's nothing I can't handle.

The door gives a satisfying click and I enter the house. Time to get to work.

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