Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XLII

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XLII] ||


Oriko appeared next to Naomi’s corpse, checking that she was indeed dead, flashing her eyes around, she saw no sign of her murderer; she instead made her way to where the shuriken had been thrown from, although the kuniochi held little hope of finding anything useful, there was some flattened grass where it was obvious they’d been crouched ready to strike, for a while too. 

The grass hadn’t bounced back telling Oriko he’d been lying in wait.  She narrowed her eyes and look back over to Kakashi who appeared next to her in the same instance accompanied by a familiar haitai-ate wearing pug dog who sniffed over the area close to where Oriko was crouched, she moved back for it.  It took a while, but eventually the dog looked back up,

“Sorry Kakashi, the rain has already washed away the scent...I thought I’d caught a bit but it was too weak and was complete washed away before I could get it,” The dog had a surprisingly gruff voice for one so small, it noticed Oriko staring at it,

“What’s up?  Been a while since I saw you last...”

“...Yea...” Oriko answered slowly, not at all sure how to start a conversation with a dog...even if it could talk,

“Are you sure there’s no scent?” Kakashi cut across,


“Ok, thanks Pakkun,” The dog raised its eyebrows as a sort of goodbye and disappeared in a little puff of smoke.

“Come on, let’s get back to the centre and see if that guy we captured earlier is still hanging around,” Oriko nodded firmly, agreeing with his plan as they seemingly disappeared in a blur of movement.  They darted back towards the central street, near where the police station was – but they stayed up high,

“I’ll inform the police of what’s just happened, you keep looking,” Kakashi dropped down to the street and Oriko didn’t even pause she leapt over another building, keeping her presence hidden as she could see what looked like a cloaked figure running in the street emptied by the rain. 

Forcing a spurt of speed, she caught up to where she was running along to roof tops just above him as she prepared some chakra threads and a few wired kunai,

“Hey, you, stop!” She called out; he looked back at her but put on his own spurt of speed and tried to out run her; feeling irritated, Oriko decided it was time for action; first throwing the kunai to try and slow him down. 

One coiled around his shin and he was immediately dragged to the floor, which looked extremely painful, she appeared at his side and turned him over to look at his face, keeping a grip in his wrist tight as well as a knee on his stomach

“Why were you running?”  It looked to be one of the assailants accomplices;

“Ugh, what does it matter to you?”

 "A murder has just been committed and I see you running from the scene, why do you think it matters?” She queried with venom, he looked sternly at her, not at all as a normal, random, innocent civilian would having just heard her words;

“I’m innocent,”

“You don’t look innocent,” She stood up, dragging him to his feet, her shirt feeling heavy, it was difficult to move in her sodden, freezing state, but she successfully got him to his feet and tightly bound his wrists. 

Pushing him forward Oriko walked him back the way they came, towards where Kakashi had veered off. “Oriko!”  Said Jounin caught her attention as he leapt off the top of one of the buildings and landed in front of her; looking just as drenched as she did, “You think this is the culprit?”  Oriko shrugged, unbeknownst to her captive,

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