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So, thanks for reading this... I just recently discovered this ship and fell in love with it. It has definitely changed the way I look at the blueberry and Stone-Face, whether it's on Twitter or Youtube, but even before, they were a big part of my life, and have helped me through some rough times. Anyway, I am very careful in looking for grammar and spelling errors, and I'm really looking forward to writing this.

On the other hand, if any of you have any suggestions for the title of this fanfic, please feel free to leave that in the comment section, because I am desperate for title names.

Anyway, I'll try not to waste your time with stupid A/Ns like this, but I just figured I would give you an introduction to this story that will *hopefully* be updated regularly, but I'll at least try my best to give you a quick A/N if I can't update. I'll stop babbling now... ONTO THE STORY!!!

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