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So I know that you all are waiting for an update and stuff, but some recent change in events has caused me to have to stop writing this story. The next update will be the last one I write in this book. Let me explain.
Recently, Ethan has tweeted about taking it too far and smuts and lemons are becoming a factor that is taking over actual cute and fluffy fan fictions. I completely agree, and though there aren't many on Wattpad, there are quite a few on other sites. He has had multiple conversations with Thaler about it, and though I don't write, and don't plan to write, smut, I've been discouraged and made the decision to stop writing.
You might be thinking "But what's the actual problem if you don't write smut?" The answer is simple. It is not only Ethan and Tyler that have changed my mind, but I recently got some information that is very heartbreaking. It means that I may have to leave my friends and move 7000 miles away from each of them.
Not only that, but I am having writers block anyway, so it is only fair to myself that I stop writing. Plus, I have testing coming up, so I wouldn't update for a while anyway.
If there are ANY questions that I can answer, or you just want to talk, feel free to comment or message me anytime. Once again, I'm very very sorry that I couldn't keep writing for all of you.

Now for happy go lucky part of all of this. I might continue to write a chapter or two, if I have a good enough idea, and I'm feeling motivated. Leave any ideas for any future chapters in the comments.

Your favorite fighting friend bread,

Loaf you all ❤️

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