Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Ethan's P.O.V.

I had just finished getting my bags from baggage claim as I walked off to meet Tyler and Mark. I began walking out of the long hallway, followed by and following  many more people who had come off of my, or a different, flight.

It wasn't very hard to spot them, mainly because of how tall Tyler was. 6 feet and 4 inches is at least 5 inches taller than me. I made my way over to them as I noticed Amy and Kathryn standing next to them.

"Hey," I said excitedly as I gave them all a hug.

"Hey. How was your flight?" Tyler asked as he took my bags from my hands. I tried protesting, but he just gave me this reassuring look.

"It was okay... There was this really annoying woman next to me that went to the bathroom about 27 bajillion times though," I said, exhaling deeply.

"Well seems like an ok-ish flight, even if it could've been better," Mark said with a slight grin.

"Yeah," I replied, "I have a lot of jet lag though, so I really just wanna take a nap."

"Well then, let's go!"

~~Le Time Skip, Brought To You By: Yours Truly~~

We arrived back at the house, and Tyler, once again, grabbed my bags and brought them to my room. Mark, talking the entire way, brought me upstairs, and showed me to my room. Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Chica, his adorable golden retriever, came barging in, tackling me to the ground and began attacking my face with puppy kisses.

I got up and grabbed the hem of my shirt and wiped my face off, since it was covered in Chica's slobber.

"It's Okay, Chica. I still love you," I said, scratching her behind her ears.

That's when I realized that Mark was still in the room, rambling on about something. I tried to tune into what he was saying, before realizing I was falling asleep. Before I could protest, my mind swept me away into dreamless, amazing sleep.

This might actually work out.

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