Chapter 12- Better or Worse

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Tyler's POV

I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. He had fallen asleep on the couch, in my arms, and I lay awake, just wondering if he was dreaming, and if it was about me.

I ran my fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time and just stared. He was so beautiful. I didn't deserve him. But I'm going to love him till the end of my days. No matter what.

Time Skip----------------------

It was time for my next appointment. We drove, hand in hand, to the doctors office. We sat anxiously in the small room, waiting for the doctor.

Eventually, the doctor finally arrived. He held some scans in his hands, which I assumed were my old ones. He told me to follow him to the next room to take new scans.

I got up quickly, giving Ethan a small smile, and then exiting the room. I followed the doctor to the next room, taking the gown he gave me. I swiftly changed and got onto the table.

Soon enough, my scans were done, and he told me to change back into my clothes and go back to the room Ethan was in to wait for the results. I nodded and headed out. 

Ethan's POV

I waited in the same room, almost constantly glancing up to check the door. I was just scrolling through Twitter when he walked through the door.

We waited for a while, probably 45 minutes before the doctor walked in to the room, with a grim look on his face.

"It got worse, didn't it?" Tyler asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm so sorry. However, there are treatment options for you. Chemo would be a good place to start. I'd like to have you in next week. How's Tuesday at 10?"

"That's fine," said Tyler, almost crying.

I leaned over and grabbed his hand, and squeezed it in a reassuring manner.

We thanked the doctor and left. We got to the car and that's when he broke down. He started sobbing and I had no clue what to do.

He calmed down a little bit after a while.

I gentle pulled him to face me and he started crying again. He tried to pull his face away, but I wouldn't let him. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and wrapped his arms protectively around my waist. I pulled away gently, letting my forehead rest against his. 

"God, I love you," I said.

He hummed in response and said, "I love you too. Thank you."

We drove home and sat on the couch.

We slowly inched closer to each other, eventually laying down with not an inch between us, watching House Hunters on the couch. We fell asleep, just like that, with only one worry on our minds.

What are we going to do now?



Sorry this took so long... I have testing coming up though, so expect less frequent updates. But, for now, I'm on spring break, so YAY!

K, Bye


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