Chapter 8- Wait, What?

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Tyler's POV

I really hope that Ethan isn't catching on to what I'm doing. I don't want him to know. It would crush him.

But I have to tell him.

We were currently laying in bed and cuddling. I was running my hands through his soft hair and he was lightly snoring against my chest. When his snores hitched, and I heard a soft grunt, I knew he was awake.

"Good morning," I whispered.

He didn't respond, just nuzzled back into my shirt and grunted. I hugged him closer.

"God, I love you, Ethan. You know that?"

He looked up then and kissed me softly. I couldn't help but feel warm as the sparks flew between us. I really did love this boy.

"I love you, too, Stone-Faced Tyler."

Eventually, after many more hugs and kisses, we got up and made breakfast. Ethan put on some music and mouthed the lyrics as he lightly swayed his hips. I chuckled to myself and turned back to the pancakes I was making.

We sat down to eat a few moments later. I doused y pancakes in syrup and sat next to Ethan at the breakfast bar.

"So, what's going on with you?" he mumbled through a bite pancakes.

I put more pancake in my mouth, so that it was full. Then, I mumbled, "I have cancer."

He had finished his pancakes by that point. "Wait, what?"

I finished chewing and swallowed (not in that way, you PERVS). "I have cancer," I whispered.

I knew he had heard me, because he automatically started to cry and he wrapped his small arms around me.

I hugged him back, and also began to cry. We just stood there for about 10 minutes in each others' warm embraces as we cried. I knew he would be there until the near end. I was thankful above all else at that moment.

I really, really loved this boy.

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