Chapter 3- T-together?

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Ethan's POV

I stared at him, appalled at what just happened. I couldn't believe he just kissed me. And he ships us. Great.

I followed him to the kitchen, and slowly poured myself a cup of coffee. He got a water bottle out of the fridge and slowly sipped from its top.

I went up to him, wondering what was next. "Tyler," I said slowly, "Are we like, openly together now?"

He turned to me with the biggest grin. "Only if you want to be."

Great. He's leaving me to decide. "Uhhh," is all I could muster before Mark came barging into the kitchen, nearly knocking my coffee out of my hand. "God damnit Mark!!" I said.

Tyler merely chuckled at me, and it left a giant smirk on his face. I was not amused.

"What's so funny Tyler?" I asked impatiently.

"We're together, aren't we?" He responded.

I felt a blush come to my cheeks, and quickly looked down to hide, but instead felt a hand pulling my head up.

Tyler quickly leaned in to kiss me, our lips connecting for longer than the first time. What we didn't realize was that Mark was standing in the doorway to the kitchen recording us.

"The fans are going to FREAK OUT!" He shouted.

Me and Tyler's lips disconnected abruptly, and we both blushed as we turned around to look at him. He had a smug look on his face.

"Mark...," Tyler started.

"What? Is wittwe Tywer sad that I stopped his make-out sesh?" Mark asked in a baby voice.

I glanced over at Tyler, whose face was just as red as mine. Let's just say Mark stopped talking after that.

~Time Skip~

Time seemed to carry on slowly, as I felt every inhale, exhale and heard every movement. Everything could be heard, seen and even felt through out the room. Finally, the bitter silence was broken with simple kiss.

Tyler leaned over and kissed me lovingly. I blushed, but kissed back smiling slightly when our lips disconnected. We set our foreheads together and sat in the no-longer-awkward silence. Just a tranquil and solitary silence.

However, the silence could never last in such a busy house, so that silence was broken by Mark trampling down the stairs, with Amy stepping slowly behind him, laughing at the idiotic man in front of her.

We slowly disconnected our foreheads just to see Mark face plant after missing the second to last step. Amy laughed even harder than she already was, falling on top of him as he was trying to get up. Mark simply grunted before giving in to the small amount of weight that was on top of him.

Amy got up and dusted herself off, not even bothering to help Mark, who was struggling to stand. She simply said, "Hello Ethan, Tyler," and walked off towards the front door.

Mark finally managed to stand before simply chuckling at Ethan and Tyler and walking off to find Amy. However, as he was walking away, he shouted back at us on the couch, "Me and Amy are going on a date, we'll be back in a few hours."

Tyler and I looked at each other. I new what he was thinking, so I said it for him: "Let's build a pillow fort and cuddle while watching movies!"

He chuckled at me, but I didn't understand why. He should've expected it considering basically every time me and Mark were skyping, but not planning on recording, I was always in a pillow fort. Every. Single. Time.

I ran up the stairs and stumbled into my room and grabbed some pillows. When I wal- no- ran back downstairs, Tyler was already two steps ahead of me. He had grabbed both chairs and blankets for the fort. There was only one thing left. Snacks.

I ran into the kitchen and slipped on the tile. I yelped in pain, to which Tyler responded, ran in, and landed on his butt because he slipped too. Tyler got up and helped me to my feet before pulling me into a passionate kiss. it was the longest we had had since we first kissed, but it was 102% better than the rest.

"God, I love you," he said.

Uh oh.


Oooooohh, what is your girl up to?


So anyway, if you didn't see the last part go look at the last few paragraphs because I told you guys something that was completely unrelated to the story!! Yay!!

You can also read that story, too, if you like. It's about my parents finding out about my bisexuality!! But, the little note at the end is important to the actual story itself, so go read it!!

Anyway, I'll *hopefully* write more soon, but school for me does start on Monday, so I make NO promises. 

-Your favorite fighting French bread,


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