Chapter 7- I'm Sorry...

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Ethan's POV

I sat on the couch and stared at the wall for what seemed like the longest time, when in reality it was only a few minutes. I was so confused, and he was so vague. I hate that.

The only questions running through my brain were, "Is he okay?" and "Am I okay?"

I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to him. I probably... No. I haven't done that in years, and I don't plan on starting again.

But what if...

This thought brought me to the bathroom, where I knew I kept razors. I shouldn't have kept them, I know, but I wanted to be able to look back at the rough time I overcame.

'Just one cut,' I thought to myself.

I pulled one out of the box and slowly ran it across my arm, not applying pressure. I asked myself one more time, 'Is this really what I want?'

I decided on yes, and let the cool metal rip my skin. I immediately went for the first-aid kit to bandage it up. I knew what it was like to have one be infected.

I grabbed some gauze and antiseptic cream and rinsed the blood off of my wrist. I placed some antiseptic cream on the gauze and got some medical tape to hold it in place. If Tyler asks about it, I'll just tell him I cut it on some broken glass or something.

I returned to the couch, not quite satisfied, but more satisfied than before. I turned on the TV simply to pass the time until Tyler got back. That's when my phone rang.

It was Mark.

I picked up my phone and accepted the call.


"Hey. You doing okay?"

"You know, it's funny. Tyler's been acting really weird lately. He was upset last night, and he wouldn't tell me why, and he rushed out this morning and didn't tell em where he was going. I'm really worried."

"I'm sure he's fine."

At that exact moment, I could've sworn to anyone that he sounded scared or nervous about something.

"Okay... Sure. Whatever you say. You're probably right. Is there something you needed?"

"No... I mean... No, no. You have a good day Ethan. Bye."

He hung up before I could say goodbye back.

~~Time Skip~~

It was 11pm and Tyler had still not returned. I walked into my room, deciding it was better to sleep than remain awake.

I sat on my bed and rested my head in my hands. I quietly started to cry, growing loud to the point where I didn't notice Tyler come in and sit down next to me. I only realized when he gently reached his arm over and draped it over my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and continued crying when he laid us down on the bed, bringing me closer to his chest.

All I was thinking in my head was 'I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm so so sorry.'

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