▸ August 23rd

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"So you thought you could just get pregnant and not tell me?" Sakura narrowed her green eyes.

Naruto sighed in defeat. She would've told Sakura, honestly, but she knew that she would take this too far and run with it. However, Sakura was her best friend, so she knew she would have to tell her at one point. Preferably before she started showing. "I meant to tell you, but I knew you'd probably get over excited-"

"Of course I would! Naruto, you're freaking pregnant!" She announced, "And not by just anyone, by Sasuke. You slept with a freaking Greek god."

Naruto smiled, "Yeah... I could see why you got so excited."

"Oh, I'm so happy for you," She exclaimed. "So, when are you due?"

Naruto tapped her index finger on her chin, "Around April twenty-third?"

"Wow, a Taurus huh?" She chuckled. "When do you find out it's a girl or not?"

At this, Naruto shrugged. "I don't know, probably a few months from now. I'm still new to the process of this pregnancy thing." She admitted.

"How is Sasuke feeling about this? I mean, you have told him, right?"

"He was the first person I told," Naruto said, "He happy about the idea, and his parents are even happier."

"That's great," Sakura smiled, "How are your parents feeling about it?"

Naruto paused.

"Um.. see about that..."

"You haven't told your parents, have you?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Well not technically," She looked down at the water in her bottle, "I told my mom. But... I haven't told my dad."


"He's gonna get super heated when he finds out that I not only had sex but I got pregnant too," She retorts, "Not to mention he really doesn't even like Sasuke. So just imagine when he finds out? He's gonna kill him and then my tiny human won't have a father."

"Naruto, he's gonna find out regardless," She said, "Just think about when you actually start showing. I mean, gaining weight isn't always gonna be an excuse when your belly is as big as a basketball."

"You're right," Naruto sighed, "I just don't know how to tell him."

"Well, lucky for you, you have me." She smiled, "You and Sasuke are going to take a trip to your parents house."

"But we just got back a few days ago from his parents house," Naruto groaned, "I though we could just settle back dow-"



"You're going and that's final."

"But what if I-"



"You're going."

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