▸ October 26th

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"Sasuke," She said, "You are literally so adorable." She smiled peppering his face with kisses. He only responded with a smirk as he leans back on the arm of the couch, accepting the kisses.

Before the kisses had gotten serious, Kurama had jumped between them interrupting the kiss instantly. He then began licking Sasuke's face.

Sasuke's smirk turn into a scowl of disgust as Kurama licks him. Naruto pulls away laughing at the adorable scene.

"Awe, you're both so cute. Maybe you two should be together instead," She giggled as Sasuke's finally lifted the tiny Kurama from his face and set him on his lap.

"Haha, very funny." He deadpanned.

"What's wrong with a fox kissing your face? I think it's cute."

"One, he was licking my face. Two, can you imagine how many germs he's spread on my face?"

"On the contrary, foxes have the cleanest mouths."



"That's dogs."

".. Oh. Well then it's still cute." She shrugged, leaning over to pick up Kurama and lay him on her lap. "Look at this adorable face." She said turning him to face Sasuke's and playing with his little paws. "Tell me you don't find this cute and adorable."

He deadpanned. "I'm honestly more of a snake person."

"Then how about tomorrow we go get you a snake?" She said, "I'll even pay."

"Wow, you actually want to spend your money on someone else besides you."

"When it comes to you, yes." She deadpanned.

Kurama then began climbing over her chest, making Sasuke scowl.

"Hey, that's my territory." He warned the fox, who only purred.

She sighed. "He just wanted some attention Sasuke."

"He gets all the attention he needs." He said, crossing his arms.

"Oh I see what's the problem here." She smirked before placing Kurama down on the floor and scooting closer to Sasuke. "You're. Jealous."

"Me? Jealous?"

"Jealoooouusss." She said in a singsong voice poking his nose.

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not." He sneered, a deep blush on his cheeks.

"Are to."

"Okay fine! So maybe I am a little jealous."

"You know sasuke, if you wanted some attention you could've just asked for it," She smiled hopping onto his lap. "I know you need your daily dose of attention too. I haven't forgotten about you."

"I promise, starting right now. I'll give you and Kurama equal attention." She said.

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise."

"Wow, you really mean it." He said.

"I really do." She smiled, "But you know what would be great right now?"

"Another kiss?"

"No, a bath. A bath with a lot of bubbles," She said to him to which he was only replied with a sigh. "You should run us one."

"Alright." He said leaving into the other room to start the bath.

Naruto turned to Kurama then. "Looks like I win the bet. I was right and you were wrong. And you know what that means. No more tearing up my favorite shoes for a months."

Kurama gave her a look.

"Ok, fine. Two weeks. But that's the lowest I'm going!" She said.

A few minutes later, Sasuke came into the room. "Hey, the bath's ready."

"Ok." She said leaving Kurama to eat the rest of his food.

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