Chapter 21

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I wake to a sleepy Cato looking at me. We don't dare to crack a smile. It hurts to much. I get ready. And get my clothes on. I look out the window and see peacekeepers. Two by my house. Two by Cato's. Only they are going to be surprised when they find out he's not there. I tell Cato and he leaves round the back and walks around the victors village. All the houses have them. My mother walks in "ready clove?" She says. I turn around and nod and we begin to take what feels like the longest walk of my life. I see Cato and he falls in line after me. My mother walks on ahead. Cato and I are in the middle of the line. Enobaria is at the front then and bald man then I the Cato and follows on the rest of the Male tributes. We arrive upon a crowd of sad faces. They aren't in danger this year. We are. But they still love us. I guess. I stand on stage. And Gabe walks up and on he glances over at everyone who he has worked with. Which isn't many.

"Now as you know. This year is a special games. The 75th. Which means it's a quell. The theme is that the tributes will be reaped on the existing pool of victors. Whom as you can see are eagerly awaiting for the tributes to be chosen" he says. My face shows no emotion I won't let it. There are two female victors. And 4 male ones. "Now shall we reap the Victors?" He asks. I look to my mother. She is smiling. I'm not sure why. But she is. "And this years 75th tribute from district 2 is.." I clench my fist so tight they might bleed. My heart pounds "Clove Sevina" he says. I walk forwards in tears. My mother is now crying and walking away. "Now shall we-"

"No! Enobaria please! She's Family. she's the youngest here. Enobaria please you can't just stand there and plot her death. She's your family! Just because you have gotten out of it. Doesn't mean Clove has to be thrown in please" says Cato. Enobaria stands there and looks to me. She sees my young teary face and looks back at Cato

"I volunteer as tribute" she says. I run up and hug her

"Thank you" I whisper

"It's okay. I'll win this" she says. I stand back in my place. And Enobaria is in my old one.

"Now. On with the boys. Or men" says Gabe this years male tribute of the 75th games for district 2 is" I feel a lot better now but only for a short time "Cato Larker" I watch Cato step forwards. I drop to my knees and cry.

"No!" I shout. Cato stands still looking forwards "please" I shout. But nothing. The bald guy won't volunteer. No one will. I pick myself up and run to Cato. I grab onto him. Only to remember that I told Snow that there was nothing between us. But I don't care. Snow is taking him away from me. I cry into Cato's chest as he hugs me

"It's okay Clove. I'll be fine. I'll win this for you" he says. I pull away and stand back in my place. And then we all go back stage to the justice building.

Enobaria and Cato wait in different rooms. My mother goes to see Enobaria and I see Cato. I walk In and see him sitting there. He stands yup and Hugs me. "Don't leave me" I tell him

"I won't. I promise"

"Either way. I'm going to lose someone. Enobaria wants to win. so do you" I tell him.

"I know this is hard for you. Power through it. I'm going into the Arena again. And you'll be safe" he says. I smile and we both kiss for what feels like forever. But again. Not as long as I wanted forever too be. "You'll be in the capitol with me. All the way. Do you think Snow will he our little affection on stage?" He asks

"Probably. Just another reason to kill me. I'm only going to be with you until you leave me. And I can't take that sitting down. I want to fight for you" I tell him.

"Clove. Your going to have to take this one sitting down." He says. Someone opens the door

"Times up. Out you go"

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