Chapter 3.

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  • Đã dành riêng cho _imyf_

I pull my white, fluffy sweater over my head as I get ready for the day. Today we are doing a meet and greet and I can't wait to see how the fans react to seeing Connor since they only know Jc was coming here. It'll be a little surprise. I put on my hat and make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to have breakfast.

"You know, it's actually warmer today since a storm is going to hit in two days." My aunt informs me and I start panicking. "Kidding! Well, sort of, it's going to snow. Not a storm, god forbid." I laugh, taking a bite out of the cookie she saved for me.

"Yeah, I really hope there's no storm. Last year was horrible!"

"What was horrible?" Jc asks, barging into the kitchen with skinny jeans, a t-shirt, leather jacket, and scarf.

"Last years winter. You couldn't visit me and I couldn't visit you because of the storm." He nods in agreement then takes one of the cookies from the tray.

Connor joins in soon after and we sit in the quiet for a while, just on our phones tweeting. Me and Jc are getting people pumped for the greet while Connor is tweeting about pancakes and diverting from thinking he's coming with us.

"Remember: M&G today! 12 noon with Dylanator!"

I laugh at Jc's tweet and go back to tweeting. "Hey," I nudge Jc. "A photo for the fans." He nods and I take a picture of us smiling together. "Alright guys, it's almost 11:00 and we still have a bit of traffic so let's go!"

We run out of the house and into the car. We drive to taco bell and grab some extra food for later then drive out to the venue. There are about one hundred people here and I can already see another huge group of people coming to join. We park out back and make our way out. Jc is covering Connor since he's still a surprise.

"Hey guys!" I start with a huge grin on my face. I see a couple people from school and they wave out to me. "Today we have a special guest that you didn't know was coming!"

"Mr. Connor Franta!" Jc steps out of Connors way, his smile so wide it'll make a girls heart melt.

"Hello everyone!" Screams erupt from the parking lot to see the surprise we've been hiding. We laugh and start the line for autographs, pictures, and conversations. We stand behind a table that the people of the venue were kind enough to let us use and we go person after person. I've definitely gotten better at meeting fans from when I was fifteen.

'Hey Dylan!" I hear a familiar voice say my name. I look up to see my best friend with a wide grin.

"Alice, you know you could have just gone behind the table right?" I laugh as I take a picture with a younger fan, probably thirteen or so. Alice just nods and goes up to hug Jc and greet him along with Connor. I see a familiar red car with a boy inside, Gavin.

I wave him over before I sign a t-shirt and take about twelve pictures with multiple people rushing by. I hate when this happens; when everything goes too quickly for me to process things. Everything becomes a blur and all I can hear is a ringing in my ear until it calms down and things go into a normal pace.

"Jc." I grab onto his shoulder to support myself after feeling extremely dizzy and I feel pressure on the back of my head.

"Too quickly?" I nod. "Alright guys we're going to take a break for about half an hour. Please don't leave because I would for all those who we haven't talked to, to stay. We want to meet all of you." Jc sends them a smile before turning to me and helping me to the car.

"What happened?" Connor has confusion written all over his face along with concern. "She was fine two seconds ago."

"She gets this thing where if things are happening too fast, she gets dizzy and pressure on the back of her head. This has happened before but only twice with me and once with Andrea." Connor nods in understanding and I mentally thank him for not asking for questions.

"Does she need water or something?" Jc nods and Connor grabs the cup filled with soda from Taco Bell earlier. "You should see a doctor for that, Dylan."

"That's what I've been telling her." Jc butts in. I scold him but he just shrugs it off.

"I'm fine really." I tell Jc after he tilts my head up to look in my eyes, checking if they're dilated. By the curse word he just mumbled, I can tell they were. "Fine, damn it, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow for this, happy?"

"Thank you Dylan."

"Sometimes you are more overprotective than Cameron." I mumble as he replies with a chuckle then patting my head.

"Hey, I'm just looking after my best friend." I roll my eyes, taking another sip of my soda. Connor sits next to me, placing a hand on my knee and lightly squeezing it, letting me know I can talk to him if I ever wanted to. I just nod at him and give him a small smile. At some point during this, Alice left with Gavin and so I was alone with them, again.

"Come on," I stand up and out of the car. "Let's go back to the greet, I think there's only a couple dozen left." And I was right. When we got there, there was only fifty people left. The meet and greet in total lasted five hours but I love doing this. It makes me happy.

When the last person finally left the table, it was almost six so we decided to pass by Panera - Connor insisted - and ordered food. We drove back home to watch some sort of horror movie but I really didn't care because by the time the movie started playing, I was fast asleep.

[Follow me on Twitter (@awkofreakintaco) for updates on this story and more]

Yes. 2 - growing up.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ