Chapter 7.

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"Dylan?" I hear Jc softly whisper in my ear, his hand on my shoulder, softly shaking me awake. I groan as the sunlight seeped through my eye lids.

"What do you want?" He chuckles at my question. I can feel the bed dip, meaning he sat down. Great.

"We have to go pick up the lovely couple from the airport." With that, my eyes shot open. What is he talking about? Didn't we pick them up already?

I sat up quickly, looking at him like he was crazy. "We already picked them up?" I slowly question him, making him chuckle.

"No, you must have been dreaming because we didn't pick them up yet." He chuckled again. "After we watched Trevor's video, you passed out."

"So that part wasn't a dream?" He shook his head. I let out a sigh of relief, nothing happened between me and Connor.

"Why are you acting like this?" I debate on telling him which I know he's going to find out anyways.

"I had a weird dream. We picked Andrea and Kian up from the airport and when we were about to go into a restaurant, Connor pulled me back and wanted to take a walk because I wasn't acting like myself. We ended up at the park and well..." I took a breath. "He kissed me."

"In a dream? Geez, Dylan, you're really messed up after watching Trevor's video." I shake my head with my eyes shut.

"I know, I know." I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index. A throbbing headache is starting. I can feel it. "That video really got to me, he, uh, he apologized in a video, three years later and I'm honestly so confused on why he did it now of all times."

"Look, Trevor isn't the smartest person in the world, but he really is sorry for what he did, I just never mention it because I know you don't like talking about him." I sigh, nodding at his statement. "I don't know, it might be helpful if you talk to him?"

"Yeah," I cough, suddenly feeling sick. "I'll, uh, I'll call him later, after we pick up the lovely couple." I rolled my eyes, pulling the covers off me and making my way to my closet.

"Need help?" Jc asked with a smirk on his face. I nodded.

He stood up and went over to my closet and sifted through all the clothes I had, short sleeve, long sleeve, no sleeve, you name it. He pulls out a white, circle skirt and a grey t-shirt. He passes them to me before pulling out a brown scarf and black tights.

"Wear this." I looked down at the clothes in my hands with a smile on my face.

"This is why I like having you over, you have a sense of style." I laugh before pulling my hair up to a ponytail and pulling my tank top a bit down since it rose from when I was asleep. "Now get out because I need to change."

"Oh, come on." He pouts. "Can I at least stay in the room but be turned around? We've been friends for years Dylan. Best friends." That was true. But he's not staying.

"Go." I point to the door and he walks out, huffing.

I change out of my sweatpants and tank top and head to my bathroom to take a quick shower. My head ache actually worsened after walking and I feel a bit light headed. I'm starting to get scared something is happening but I am in no mood to go to the doctor today.

Once I'm done, I pull on the tights and skirt and tuck in the t-shirt. Since I feel like it's a bit colder outside, I pull on a black jacket. I put on two coin necklaces and wrap the scarf around my neck.

"Huh, Jc really does have a sense of style." I say mostly to myself as I look at my reflection in the mirror.

"Told you." I hear Jc walk in and shut the door behind him. "You look amazing." He smiles down at me and I smile back at him through my reflection.

"All thanks to you." I walk over to my door and open it, letting in the fresh scent of blueberry pancakes. "Now come on, breakfast is waiting for us."

We run down to the kitchen to find Connor and my aunt making breakfast. He places two glasses of orange juice on the counter. I thank him before sitting on one of the stools and take a sip from my cup as I wait for the pancakes.

"Here you go sweetie." My aunt places a plate with two pancakes, maple syrup, and a raspberry on top. I look at her with amazed eyes because only she can make such an ordinary food into a masterpiece.

"Thanks mom." I dig in after she gives me a nod.

Once we're done with breakfast, me, Connor and Jc brush our teeth and head over to the door to grab the car keys and head out after we kiss my aunt goodbye. We drive to the airport and make our way to meet Andrea and Kian at their gate. We wait for a couple minutes until I see a familiar head of hair and quiff a bit too distinct.

"Andrea!" I shout waving my hand so she can see us. She runs out of Kian's grip and runs toward me, tackling me into a hug.

"Dylan! Oh my god I missed you so much!" She squeezes me one last time before hugging the boys.

"Dylan." Kian greets me with a nod.

"Kian." I mimic him before we both laugh and he hugs me. I hug him back and we soon let go since Andrea wanted to talk to me.

"So, some stuff has been going on. Have you checked Twitter the past couple days?" I roll my eyes.

"Is this about Trevor?" She nods shyly. "Yeah, I watched the video, still don't really know what to think of it, really."

"He really does mean it. He really is sorry for what he did." I sigh, I know everyone in the group stays quiet about him because they know I won't listen but I'm kind of, off that now. "What are you going to do? I mean, both your names are trending hard on Twitter."

"I'm going to try to talk to him." And that's when everyone stopped talking and looked at me with their jaws on the floor. They know what's going to happen. Well, there are possibilities:

-We could have a calm discussion and agree to be friends or whatever.

-He won't even pick up when he sees the caller I.D and ignore me

-He'll pick up and I'll end the call right when I hear his voice.

or -He'll pick up and we'll end up fighting.

Those were the possibilities. I know I'm overthinking this but by the looks on everyone's faces, I know it's a long shot and the idea of having a calm discussion is out of the window. Something's going to happen, I know it. But I don't want to think about that. I just want to leave this airport that became much smaller after everyone starred me down.

I really shouldn't be overthinking. It's giving me a head ache and the light coming from the window above us is just hurting my eyes. We walk out of the airport and put our bags in the trunk of my aunts car before piling in.

"So where do we go?" I ask the group.

"Let's just go home." Andrea offers. I nod and drive back home.

[Follow me on Twitter (@awkofreakintaco) for updates on this story and more]

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