Chapter 18.

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Today is Digifest.

My headache hasn't left since yesterday. I haven't slept all night. I don't want to go anymore.

But I have to. I think the worst part is that I have to put on a fake smile. I have to pretend. I have to act like everything is okay. And you know what the worst part is? Nothing's okay.

I still have a huge headache. I just want to lay in bed all day. But hey, you gotta live right?

"Dylan, come on!" Connor groans behind me as I choose my outfit for today. I decide to go light today and just pull on some denim shorts, a black crop top, and a plaid red shirt to tie around my waist.

"Hold on." I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower before changing and walking out. "Was it so hard to wait?"

"Yes." He wraps his arms around my waist as I pull my hair out of it's bun. My hair is wavy today and looks messy. Good messy. I don't feel like doing much with it so I just run my hands through my hair and sit down in front of the mirror on Connors closet door to start my makeup.

After I'm finished with a natural look, BB Cream instead of foundation, me and Connor walk out and down the stairs to eat breakfast. I decide to make some toast while he eats cereal.

"You nervous?" He looks up at me after taking a spoonful of his cereal.

"Obviously." I lean on the counter with a sigh. "After being in the hospital for two, almost three, days straight, of course I am."

"How's your head?" He asks again today. He asks me every half hour when I'm not sleeping. I just shrug before taking out my toast from the toaster. We eat in silence after that.

After an hour of everyine in the house running around trying to get their stuff and blasting all kinds of music to try to fill any quiet situations, we're ready and in two cars. Me, Connor, Ricky and Jc in one car. Andrea, Kian, Trevor and Sam in the other.

Jenn is driving with Rebecca and Andrew. Jack and Anthony are using an Uber. And the rest of the group is using their own transportation.

We walk into the building and we're immediatly dragged in by the same red head three years ago and James. We were told to stay in a room and they'd call us whenever they're ready. Today is a lot quicker than three years ago.

"So, what have you been up to Dylan? Back in Minnesota, I mean." Ricky starts conversation and I really wish he didn't. Connor takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

"Just continuing with YouTube, meet and greets, and hosting shows. The usual." I shrug, trying to play off the fact that I'm uncomfortable. But I guess it doesn't work. "Kian," He nods towards me. "I hear you and Andrea are looking for an apartment together?"

"Yeah," He looks over at Andrea with a wide smile. "we are. We just need to find a good apartment."

"Who's going to room with Jenn?"

"Rebecca's moving in my old room after I move out." I nod at her answer. "Then she and Jenn are going to look for a bigger house for the Fab5 to move in together."

"The Fab5 move in together?" Sam started laughing extremely hard. "That house is going to be so fucking trashed!" Wow, I haven't heard a swear in forever. Atleast, that's what it's been like for me.

We wait the rest of the time in silence. Mostly because of me, I know it. If I wasn't here, they'd be wrestling, talking, screaming song lyrics, all that stuff. But since I'm here, since the whole Trevor thing happened, it's like this. This is the consequence.

"Dylan," If the room couldn't be any quieter, it is now. "can I talk to you in the hallway?" I nod before standing up. Connor gives my hand a light squeeze before letting go and allowing me to walk out with him. Trevor.

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