Chapter 8.

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"Dylan, please have a seat." The all to familiar voice of Dr. Ingrid, my psychiatrist.  Almost ten years I've been seeing her and I have gotten better. I now only have one session a week, unlike three years ago, when I had four a week.

"Hi, Dr. Ingrid." I slowly sit in my chair and take in a deep breath. "A lot has happened since our last session."

"I can tell, your palms are sweaty." I furrow my brows at her as she shrugs. I never understood how Dr. Ingrid pays too much attention to detail.

"Well, Connor, Jc, Kian, and Andrea are visiting for Winter break." Her smile widens once I mention my friends names. "And, uh, Trevor posted a video about me."

This time, her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "How long has it been? Three years?" I nod. "What's the video about?"

"Do you have a laptop or tablet I could use?" She nods. She opens her laptop and passes it to me. I open up the YouTube tab and found the video quite quickly.

She watched the video from start to finish, twice. Her brows were furrowed and her eyes were narrowed, the face she makes ever time she's concentrated. She doesn't talk for a while before I clear my throat.

"Why now?" She sighed, taking off her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I don't know Dylan, but he may not have had the words till now." She shrugged. I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Is it almost time?" I check the clock to see if it was five already, to my dismay, ten minutes left. "Sadly."

"Look, Dylan, I can tell you're upset so I'm going to let you out early." She signs a paper letting the desk know she let me off. "Go have fun with your friends, you've got enough to worry about."

I take the paper from her hand and slowly stand up with a smile on my face. I sling my back pack over my shoulder and walk out to find the familiar woman at the front desk I refuse to remember the name of. I gave her the slip and she nodded a good bye to me.

Once I'm home, I sigh a relieved sigh as I plop down on the couch. I'm tired. I've been tired for the past three days after watching that video and I'm sick and tired of being tired. I'm going to call him because that's all I can do right now.

I pull my phone out from my back pocket and start to dial his number that was saved to my phone and I never took it out for some reason. I let it ring and once his voicemail hits, I hang up. I sigh, putting my phone down and making my way to the kitchen. What was I thinking? What was I going to say even if he did pick up? Hey, I watched your video and I'm exhausted from thinking so can you please tell me why you posted it now?

God, I'm pathetic. I wish I could just delete that video and be gone with it but I can't. Sadly. I want to talk to someone, Jc maybe? I know Connor is out with Cameron, Andrea and Kian are on a date, and my aunt is at work. Where's Jc?

"Jc?" My voice echoes through the hallway as I creep to his room. I slowly push open the door to find him with his ear buds in, editing a video. Of course. He doesn't notice me till I sit on the bed.

"Hey Dylanator! What's up?" His smile drops when I shrug. He pull out his buds and slides his laptop off his lap and rests it on the night stand. "You don't look very happy."

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." I roll my eyes. "But I'm not. I don't know what to do Jc. This whole Trevor thing and the video is just adding onto it." I sigh as I put my head in my hands. What is my life?

"Do you want me to call him for you?" I nod. He pulls out his phone and starts to dial Trevor's number and puts it on speaker.

Trevor answers on the third ring. "What?" His voice is raspy and tired, he must have woken up.

"Hey, Trevor, um, can you answer me one question?" I hear Trevor sigh on the other end and mumble a yes. "Why did you post that video now? Three years later?"

"Because I didn't know how to word it or explain the reason she disappeared from Cali all of a sudden. I didn't know how to tell the story." My eyes widen at how fast hi answer came. "And I knew she wouldn't watch the video if it was three years ago. She would never even click on the hashtag or even look at my name if it was three years ago."

Jc rubs his hand on my shoulder as we listen to Trevor's explanation and I want to ask something but I know if I do, he'll hang up the second my voice goes on. So, instead, I whisper the question into Jc's ear.

"Do you still like Dylan? Or did you have any feelings toward her at all?" This time, I heard him sigh again. I know he was thinking and contemplating that question.

"Yeah. I never really knew until she left but I think I'm in love with her. But she'll never feel the same way and I'm okay with that." I clutch my chest because the pain hurt.

The air was sucked out of my lungs and I just can't deal with any of this at a time. It's all happening at the same time and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I feel the walls closing in on me and breathing became hard. Before I know it, I'm laid down and Jc is holding me in his arms. He hung up the phone and is comforting me. We lay there for what feels like forever before I can finally fall asleep.

[Follow me on Twitter (@awkofreakintaco) for updates on this story and more]

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