Chapter 27.

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As promised...

"Trevor, Trevor!" I shout his name through the house trying to find him though I know he's in my room. I run up the staircase and bolt into my room to find him sitting on my bed admiring my room. He jumps at my sudden entrance.

"Oh my God, Dylan, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He rushes toward me, his eyes filled with concern as he takes in my appearance. My hair a mess from the wind, my eyes watery, my cheeks stained with tears, and my breathing hectic.

I lift up the letter and when he takes it, I drop to my knees sobbing. I cover my face with my hands as I hear him opening the envelope and slowly opening the card. He gasps before kneeling down next to me.


"Read it out loud, please." I interrupt him and I hear him take a shaky breath.

"Dylbear, if you're reading this, me, your mother, did not make it alive. I'm really sorry baby. I'm just glad that if one of us survived, it was you.

"Let me guess, your aunt practically took care of you all these years? Your father was never the strongest person to deal with a problem. Don't blame him. I bet he tried his best. Dylan, baby, if you're reading this, I guess you found your true love. Or at least someone you love.

"I hope he is kind to you. I hope he treats like a princess and not some fragile vase that can break with the slightest touch. I hope he cares for you. Like how every delicate flower needs water and sunlight. I hope he is your water and sunlight. Your father is mine. Or was mine.

"If this boy is reading this with you - I hope he is - make sure he knows that you are strong. Let him know that even though I am not alive, I will still help you fight your battles. And boy, please, with all the love and hope in your heart, spirit and soul that you take care of my daughter. Not as a fragile vase. But as a warrior who needs guidance. Care for her. That is all I ask of you.

"And Dylan, be the good daughter I know you are and take what I say: Love hurts and you will get your heart broken. Whether from this boy or someone else. But know that love conquers all and that's what I learned from your father.

"Love, your dear mother, Mary."

I sob into my hands as I listen to every word Trevor has read from my mothers letter. She knows me better than anyone and I was still in her whom when she wrote that letter. She knew that love was painful. But at the same time she knows nothing.

God, how I wish my mother was here. She would have taught me things I still don't know about life. She would have met Trevor and probably even approve of him like Aunt Maggie and Cameron did. She would have protected me from my uncle, too.


"Be quiet." I say in between sobs and he rubs circles on my back. I need silence. I need to feel my mother with me. I need to know she's still with me.

"Why now?" I say after a while of just silence and my sobs. "She could have written more letters. Like in the movies. How the deceased parents wrote all types of letters for different situations."

"Maybe she thought this one was most important."


"Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it." I smile at his quote from Confucius and slowly look up at him. "Oh, baby, you're a mess. Come on, let's go clean you up, okay? Then we can go to Marie's."

I smile a bit when I'm reminded of Marie and let him help me up to walk into the bathroom connected to my room. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me up to sit on the counter and he takes a cotton ball and wets it. He dabs the cotton ball on my cheeks and under my eyes and on my forehead before grabbing the makeup bag I have on top of the sink and helps me by giving me the concealer and my mascara.

Yes. 2 - growing up.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant