Chapter 14.

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[Hey guys! I'm bringing in a new P.O.V and hopfully you like it!]

Trevor's P.O.V

"So, she just passed out?" Sam asks for the twentieth time after Jc explained the story.  We all sighed and looked at Dylan unconscious in Connors bed. She's been unconscious for a little over an hour now.

"Jc," Connor gained our attention. "Didn't you say Dylan has had those head aches and things like that?" Jc nods. "What if it has to do with that? She never went to the doctor."

"Yeah, I know. She had an extremely vivid dream after she watched, um," He stops in the middle of his sentence. Pursing his lips, he looks at me then shakes his head. "After she watched Trevor's video and she literally feel asleep after that whole panic attack with her mom. She had a dream that we picked Kian and Andrea up and she set up an appointment for the doctors office. Not to mention the appointment she actually made was cancled for some reason."

"So, she thought she made an appointment but when she woke up and found it was all a dream, she never tried? And her real appointment was cancled?" I butt in and Jc nods. "So, she never even tried to figure out what's wrong with her?"

"Not really."

"Jc, we have to take her to the hospital." He nods again and picks Dylan up in bridal style and carries her out of Connors room and out to Ricky's car. We all follow him out and Ricky grabs his car keys. We step out and make our way to all fit in the car, of course, not working.

"Okay, okay!" Ricky yells. This startled all of us since we aren't used to him speaking up like this. "Only three other people can come. Kian, you can't since you and Andrea are going on a date in like thirty minutes so Trevor, Sam, who's it going to be?" He looks at the both of us and I look back at Sam.

"Go, you were more her friend than I ever was." It sucks because that's not true. I used her for money and it pains me to think that I was the one who hurt her and caused her all that pain after she went back to Minnesota. I nod at Sam and sit inside the car, shutting the door.

The drive to the hospital is way too long for Dylan as she's still unconscious. Jc was holding her on his lap, caressing her cheek and rocking her back and forth. He checked her pulse every now and then to see if she was still alive and thank god she was.

I think back to earlier this morning when I saw her in the hall. She looked so shocked. Yet she looked beautiful. She's grown. She's much taller now and her hair grew longer. Her jet black hair tracing all the way down her back until it stops just above her hip. I just can't believe it's her. She's so... different.

Different. Huh, I've used that word too many times I can't even count. The past three years I've spent trying to change my ways. I regret every little thing I've done to her and she was the one that got away. But the worst part is, I let her slip out of my grasp. The disgusted look she gave me that day three years ago is burned into my skull and I've spent nights crying over the mistake I made.

The boys told me to take a break from O2L, but I didn't. I needed a distraction and I felt like music and YouTube was the only thing that distracted me enough before I started thinking of her again. Every night, before I went to bed, she would fill my mind; my thoughts; my dreams. I couldn't think and every time I closed my eyes, the disgusted look is back all over again.

"We're here." Ricky's voice is heard through the whole car and we all unbuckle our seat belts before walking out. Dylan is still in Jc's arms and still unconscious. Please wake up, Dylan. Please wake up.

"Oh my god, what happened to her?" A nurse immediately comes running toward us in her scrubs. Jc explains how she was fine one minute then the next, she's passed out on the floor. "Okay, um, wait here." She lifts a finger for us to wait and runs off to who knows where.

"Why did this have to happen now of all times?" Jc huffs. "I mean, she was in Minnesota and she was perfectly fine before we left other than the meet and greet, right Connor?"

"Um, I wasn't going to tell anyone this but," Connor sighs, digging his hands deep into his pockets. "That day me and Dylan went grocery shopping together, she couldn't carry as many bags on one of her arms and she was always rubbing it like it hurt. I don't think she knows that I noticed but I did. I didn't think it was important until now."

"Ricky, can you take her?" He nods before taking Dylan from Jc and Jc and Connor walk out to talk a bit.

"Ricky?" He turns to me. "What do you think it is?"

"I don't know." He shrugs.

"Okay, get her on the gurney and we'll take care of her as best as we can. Who is the closest to her?" Just then, Jc and Connor come back. Short talk. Jc walks with the nurses and Dylan's gurney into another room and me and the rest of the boys wait impatiently in the waiting room.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I've been listening to the clock tick for the past hour and I want to bash my head into something. Jc came back and he told us Dylan was being cared for. But what the hell does that girl have?

"So, can we go over her symptoms again?" I ask the boys and they briefly nod.

"Head aches." Jc starts the list.

"Light headedness." Connor adds.

"Dizziness." Ricky puts up three fingers meaning three symptoms.

"Muscle pain." I add.

"Fatigue or what ever it's called." Jc groans in frustration before kicking the seat in front of him, knocking it down and running his hands over his face. "This makes no sense!" He causes more people to stare at us.

"Jc, calm down." Connor starts with another one of his ways of calming people. I don't understand why he won't just kick a god damn chair like Jc did.

"No, damn it!" He kicks another chair. "She's got all these stupid symptoms and it doesn't fucking add up! She's gotten fucking blurry vision, fatigue, head aches, dizziness, muscle pain, and light headedness." He shouts Dylan's symptoms out for every one in the waiting room to hear. Every one is starring at us and it's slightly uncomfortable.

"Jc, pull your self together damn it!" Ricky yells from his seat. Jc just glares at him before storming off and outside.

Connor sighs as he starts rubbing his temples and I honestly don't know how to react. "God damn, what is taking this doctor so long?" We're all frustrated and we can't just sit waiting. At least I can't. I stand up so I can walk over to the front desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The nurse smiles at me. Of course. They all act so kind in such a morbid place. Honestly, fucking irony.

"Hi, um, me and a couple of my friends brought in a patient, her name is Dylan Radner."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry but all I know about her state right now is that the doctor's looking over her. He will be out in a couple of minutes." I slightly nod. This was honestly no help. I clap the desk before turning around and walking toward the guys. Jc's back, finally.

"So, no one really knows much about Dylan. But her doctor is coming out soon." As if on cue a man in a white lab looking coat comes out with a clip board and the nurse who originally took Dylan in with the gurney.

"Gentlemen," He nods and we all respond the gesture. "So Dylan is awake. She was way too overwhelmed a bit before she fainted." My fault. "But she will be fine. You guys can go visit her if you'd like, Mary," He turns to the nurse next to him and she smiles widely at him. "Take these men to her room."

"Yes sir." She turns to us again. "Follow me."

[IMPORTANT: Hey guys, I'm going through a really tough time right now so please don't pesture me to update. It's just a hard couple of days and I've honestly lost so much motivation so be patient with me. Thanks


Yes. 2 - growing up.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora