Friday Night (Hamilsquad x Reader)

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~Note: All French brought to you by Google Translate. (In other words, I don't know French.)
WARNING: maybe triggering thoughts??, alcohol, mild cursing, LGBTQ+
Word Count: 648

   You sighed as the credits rolled for F/M (favorite movie) for what seemed like the millionth time. See, it was a boring Friday night in your apartment. Your friends were all out of town with family for the holidays, and here you were- no family, no friends, no nothing.

Pathetic, you thought to yourself. I'm just pathetic. You stood, venturing to your room. Maybe I can go drown my sorrows in beer. You changed into something nicer than your pajamas; after changing, a F/C top, jeans, and converse adorned your body. Grabbing your keys, phone, and a jacket, you left your abode and walked into the growing darkness outside.

Nine fifteen (9:15). That was the time you arrived at the local bar. You made your way over to the countertop, grabbing a stool and sitting down.

"What'll it be?" a bartender asked as he cleaned out a glass.

"Beer. Any kind," you replied, your tone of voice flat. The man nodded and gave you your beer. You took a swig, the liquid sliding down your throat. After a few more swigs of the drink, you finally started to feel the alcohol in your system.

"Excuse me," a voice said from behind you. You turned around to see a man with curly brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and freckles covering his face like stars in the night sky. Damn, he's hot. "I couldn't help but notic-"

"We!" another voice interjected from a nearby table.

The man now in front of you rolled his eyes and looked at the table. "Shut up, Alex!" He then turned to you with an apologetic smile. "Anyway, we," he continued with extra emphasis on 'we', "couldn't help but notice that you were lonely. Would you like to join me and my companions?"

You gazed over his shoulder and to the table where this 'Alex' had interjected a moment ago. Three men sat there, each with a beer in hand and gazing intently at you and the freckled man with you. "Sure," you replied, smiling. Somebody actually noticed me for once.

Freckles grinned and grabbed your free arm, pulling you out of your seat and over to his friends. "What's your name?" he asked as you approached the table.


"Well, Y/N, I'd like you to meet Lafayette, Alex, and Hercules," he said, pointing to each man in turn. "And I'm John!"

You smiled. "It's nice to meet you all."

Hercules and Lafayette grinned back at you.

"Oh, I should mention we're all dating," Alex said plainly, as if he was used to saying that.

You kept your jaw from dropping. Instead, your eyes widened as they all gazed at you nervously, waiting for your response. Yes, you were a huge supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ community, especially since your twin brother was transgender (FTM) and gay. You had always been bisexual (sorry if you're not this, go with it for the purpose of the story), but you had never come out because your parents were already upset enough by your brother.

"W-Wow! You're polyamorous? That's great for you guys!"

"So you do not hate us, mon ami?" Lafayette asked, his French accent very thick and very hot.

"Non, je suis bisexuel moi-même. Je ne suis pas ce genre de personne," you replied, your smile growing.

"OH MON DIEU! QUELQU'UN FINALEMENT ME COMPRENDRE! TU CONNAIS LE FRANÇAIS?!" Lafayette yelled, but the bar was loud anyway. When you nodded, he started rambling in French and Hercules had to cut him off with a quick kiss.

"Shut up, we get it," Hercules said as he pulled away. His deep voice made you shiver slightly.

   You giggled as you and John sat down. Immediately the five of you launched into conversation, and by the end of the night, the four guys had a girl in their polyamorous relationship.

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