Chapter 7

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The sun was just starting to set behind the trees as Mitchell drove us out to an abandoned campground where Daniel was currently living. Pulling into the site, we drove over a bridge before I caught sight of Daniel sitting by a blazing fire, two others at his side. Stopping the car, Mitchell got out and I followed suit, going around to the front of the car. "I can handle this. Why don't you just stay in the car?" I suggested to Mitchell, watching the three wolves, who were now staring at us.

"Are you sure?" He asked, glancing at me. I knew Daniel recognized me; the look on his face told me so.

Nodding, I smirked, "Killing these three will be quick and easy. There's no need for you to get your newly manicured nails dirty." He sent me a playful glare before getting back in the car. Moving forward, I made my way closer to Daniel and his two friends, who stood from their seats. "Hello, Daniel," I called, now only yards away.

"Elizabeth," he nodded, stiffly.

"I assume you know why I'm here."

"I broke my promise. I killed a vampire, so now you're here to kill me."

"Good. So you do remember. Let's try to make this quick, shall we? I've got a very impatient boyfriend at home. He doesn't like it when I'm gone for too long. Misses me too much."

"Well, isn't that unfortunate? It's too bad you'll never get to say goodbye." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his words, but I soon realized what he meant when more than fifty werewolves stepped out from behind trees and bushes. They all wore the same expression on their faces, showing me that they were ready to kill. Taking a step back, I turned to run, only to find more werewolves standing behind me. They all started moving forward, forcing me back as they closed in around me. I heard a car door slam shut, signaling that Mitchell had gotten out to come to my rescue, but I knew there was no way both of us could fight off all of these werewolves by ourselves.

Son of a bitch, I thought to myself, I should have listened to Nik.

"I see you have a pack now," I commented, eyes flickering from wolf to wolf, watching for any sign of attack.

"Yes. You see, ever since that day we met, you know, the day your blood-sucking friend killed Jared, I've been planning this. I knew that I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't just come out and do it, no, that would have been too easy. And you probably would've overpowered me easily," he explained, pacing back and forth in front of the fire. "So, I slowly built up my pack, waiting for this moment. I knew you had sent someone to watch my every move, which he wasn't very good at, by the way. Then, when I was finally ready, I killed his friend to send a message to him. His vampire friend would die, he would tell you about it, and then you would come here to kill me, only to find out that there was a pack waiting to kill you. Clever, wasn't it?"

"If that's what you want to call it," I said through gritted teeth, still keeping a close eye on the pack.

"Well, I'm bored of all this talk. I say we just kill you already." He slowly turned in a circle, arms wide open. "Brothers, sisters! Tonight, we feast on vampire." Slowly, as if one by one, the werewolves began to shift. Low growls escaped their jowls as they bared their teeth at us.

"Mitchell, if one of us doesn't get through this, I just want you to know that you've been a very good friend to me. Very loyal. That's not something I find too often," I called to him over the growls of the wolves around us. I turned to look at him, but was cut short when one of the wolves lunged at me. Quickly turning back around, I caught him by the neck, throwing him to the ground and ripping his throat out. That seemed to trigger the rest of them to attack because suddenly I wasn't just fighting off one wolf, I was fighting off ten.

"I'm glad to call you my friend, Ellie," he called back. We had killed almost half of the pack when I heard a cry from the spot I had last seen Mitchell and when I turned to look, I caught a glimpse of a wolf standing on top of a human figure. There was another cry, but it was cut off by a gurgling sound. Limbs were thrown into the trees and I felt my anger take over me. Letting out a growl of my own, I lunged at the nearest wolf, ripping his limbs from his body. An arm wrapped around my neck, closing off my airway. Struggling to get in air, I dug my nails into the assailant's arm, drawing blood. I felt my teeth elongate before biting down and pulling. There was a howl of pain from behind me as I spat the arm out and whirled around. I put my hands on both sides of the girl's face and pulled, her head disconnecting from her shoulders. Finally fighting off the last of the wolves, I turned, looking for Daniel, who had disappeared.

"Looking for me?" Daniel's voice echoed throughout the trees and I slowly turned, trying to find the source of it. "I'm over here." I whirled around. "Over here." Then again. "Now I'm here." And again, but this time, he was there. His hand closed on my throat, squeezing as he lifted me off the ground. I clawed at his hand, leaving scratch marks, but his grip only tightened. Next thing I knew, I was hurtling through the air, breaking branches as I flew, until my back finally connected with the trunk of a very large tree. I groaned in pain, my eyes squeezed shut as I fell to the ground. Feeling the broken bones in my body slowly start to mend, I struggled to stand up, glaring at Daniel, who was making his way over to me. "Seven years, I've been waiting for this. Waiting for the moment I finally kill you. I spent the last seven years controlling myself, getting stronger for this exact moment." He sent a swift kick to my side, sending me rolling back a few feet. Before I could even begin to get up, Daniel was standing over me, changing into his wolf form. With a growl, he lunged at me, his teeth clamping around my left side. I let out a scream of pain as his teeth dug in further. Grabbing the fur on the back of his neck, I ripped him away from me, throwing him off to the side. He slid back on all fours, ready to pounce on me again. Slowly getting up, I pressed my hand to my side, feeling the blood mixed with his saliva. Daniel ran towards me, leaping into the air, but I grabbed him by the throat, slamming him down onto the ground with my free hand. Holding him down, I shoved my blood-covered hand into his chest, wrapping my fingers around his heart. His body went limp as I ripped his beating heart from him. Letting out a sigh, I sunk to my knees on the forest floor, a pain shooting through my right leg. I winced, looking down at it and seeing that the fabric of my pants was ripped, my skin torn and bleeding. Shaking my head slightly, I tried remembering how I had gotten the wound, but I kept drawing a blank. Undoing my belt, I wrapped it around my leg, tightening it to stop the bleeding. I got up and limped over to the car, finding that the keys were still in the ignition with it running. Pulling away from the bloody campsite, I sped through the dark, trying to get back into town as soon as possible. I knew that I had to call Nik. I had promised that if anything happened, I would contact him. My bag sat on the floor of the passenger side, so I leaned over, digging through it. My fingers had yet to come in contact with the object, so I quickly looked down, hoping to see it. As soon as I looked back up, I noticed that a deer was in the middle of the road, lit up by my headlights. I let out a yelp, jerking the steering wheel to the side. The car veered off the road, the sound of metal hitting wood meeting my ears as the car crashed into the trees. The airbags deployed, hitting me in the face and forcing my head to whip back. Breathing heavily, I pushed the airbag away from me, seeing my phone on the ground in front of the passenger seat. It must have fallen out of my bag when I crashed. I slowly reached over, picking it up and pressing the lock button. The screen was shattered and it wouldn't turn on. Yelling out in frustration, I threw the phone away from me before prying the door open and making my way back to the main road.

*End of Flashback*

"I made it back to town and caught a cab. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the backseat," I admitted, a yawn escaping my lips.

"So you don't remember what happened when you got here?" He asked, his grip tightening slightly on my hand. I started rubbing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb, just like I had when he tensed up during my storytelling.

"No, why? What happened?" I asked, eyes slowly starting to shut.

Nik seemed to notice, "Get some sleep, my love. You'll need it to heal faster." Carefully readjusting my position, I laid down, curling up under the blankets. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead before lying next to me. I could feel his fingers playing with my hair as I drifted further and further into the darkness.

My character and her story are of mt own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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