Chapter 29

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Letting out a quiet groan, my head snapped up and I looked around the dark room. My mother was nowhere in sight. I let out a sigh of relief before groaning again, the pain in my head worsening. Lifting my hand to my head, I heard the sound of metal hitting metal and I looked down to see chains wrapped around both wrists. "What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, pulling on them. The metal dug into my skin, breaking it as I attempted to free myself. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free.

"I see you're awake. Good," my mother's voice echoed in my ears. A door to my left swung open, revealing the devil herself.

"How the hell are you still alive? I thought we got rid of you for good," I growled, pulling on the chains again.

"It's going to take a lot more than a mediocre witch and a dumb ring to get rid of me," she chuckled, moving into the room.

"Where am I?"

"You don't even recognize your own house? Well, of course not. You're never here anymore. Always spending your time with him." I ignored her last comment, looking around the cell I was in. Of course I didn't recognize it. I almost never came down here.

"What do you want?" I questioned, glaring up at my mother, who stood leaning against the opposite wall.

"Well, I want you dead, first of all. But not before I kill that friend of yours. I'm going to make sure you see him suffer, just like the last one. Do you think he'll cry and beg for his life, too?" She asked, slowly pacing in front of me. Letting out a growl, I lunged forward as far as I could, the restraints pulling on my wrists.

"If you dare touch him, I will kill you in every way I know possible."

"I'd like to see you try. Just a few days more and you won't be able to kill me. I'll finally be able to live without feeding off of you," she said nonchalantly and I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.


"You see, I attached myself to your daylight ring and was able to put my body back together and live again using your life source. Then, when I was strong enough, I attached myself to your life. I knew it wouldn't be long before you found out about the ring and switched it with a new one, which you did. That witch was able to un-attach me from it and 'kill' me, but she didn't know about the attachment I had to you. Every time you fed, I grew a little bit stronger every day. Again, I was able to put myself back together and 'live' even though I never actually died."

"So this entire time you've been feeding off my blood intake? Every person that I killed or took blood from was really just making you stronger?" I concluded, now realizing why I never seemed to be satisfied after feeding.

"Yes. A few days – and victims – more, I'll be back to my full potential; just like I was the first time I killed you. Well, get some rest, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow," she told me, an evil smile upon her face. Walking over to the door, she looked back at me once, letting out a laugh before slamming the door and leaving me in complete darkness.


The door slammed open, causing me to jump as I squinted against the blinding light. My mother moved closer to me and I quickly scrambled back as far as I could, my back pressing into the hard wall behind me. "Thought you might be hungry," she told me, tossing a water bottle at me. It was only about a quarter full of blood; enough to keep me alive, but not enough to heal my wounds or give me any kind of strength. It had been two days since my mother began torturing me. Of course, she had used her special spell on me again, so that I couldn't heal like normal. My body ached and burned, feeling every bruise and cut on it. "You know, I'm surprised. I thought this Niklaus would be ripping the Earth apart looking for you. It's been two days and he still doesn't seem to be worried," she smirked as I finished chugging the blood.

"He's probably just plotting different ways to kill you. I know I am," I glared. Her face instantly turned hard and she lifted her hand. My entire body felt like it was on fire, burning from the inside-out as I screamed.

"You dare speak to your mother like that? Where are your manners?"

"They died when I did," I managed to choke out through my heavy breathing.

"Well then. I guess I'll have to teach you some new ones." She lifted her hand again and the pain became so unbearable, I thought my body would give out. My mind started to cloud over as I saw dark spots, my eyes closing and the pain disappearing.

Sorry for the late post! I moved out of my apartment yesterday and had to go back today to clean and get the rest of my stuff out. 

Only one more chapter and the epilogue left! Be prepared!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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